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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Old. Like 01-02 old. Wont find another set of those
  2. The cc1 is gain matching in dbV Not just ac voltage out. Only about 10x more accurate than your dmm
  3. Python is viper is avital is etc etc. All the same man. But youre asking about cheap but then said 5704. Hella pricey. ??? Good alarm. Uhh. Encore E9 That a great piece. Hell, most alarms are great, but usually fucked up by a bad install.
  4. Yes an isolater seperates the alt charge wire Alt to isolater Isolater to each seperate batt bank They are gay
  5. A relay is NOT an isolator. But can sort of act like one
  6. Fuckin lagger. I waited to come in .... And still fail. Damn you julio. Box looks great though Eric
  7. Im not a woofer designer so this is all coming out of my ass. Either a composite cone to actually bond the surround to it, instead of it only sticking to the shiny paper layer on a standard cone. Or stich the cone to the surround. That is what let go on this one. It just simply tore the thin shiny layer off the cone. Just like when a dustcap pops off and only tears the shiny paper.. Same thing here. Also kens ti basket is off center from the motor assy. Like the holes drilled in his basket are off. Not like a shifted pole but more like the basket is wrong. The 4" hole in his basket is actually over the gap by a cunt hair This is where im guessing the coil drag and "knock" sound came from. As soon as i got in the car i asked what is that noise? He mentioned it always did that and after looking around i assumed it was his box rocking on the dancefloor. Sounded like 2 pieces of wood banging. So i let er rip. Got through quite a few tests. Searching for peak freq and the f3 point. Sub never fell off in vol, fb of 32 i figured the f3 would be around 27ish. Was playing 28, sounded great. Score was good Meaning not at f3 yet, went to 27, got 1/2way thru the knob and bang. And yes i was watching the cone most of the runs. If i had thought for a second that something wasnt good i would have stopped. This is not my first go around with putting double rms to something, or even rustys subs for that matter. Remember, rusty and i knew each other long before DC ever started. Have been friends on the 12v retail side for years. Im not saying something is bad here, just some shit to look into. Luv ya crusty.
  8. Ill play.. 2004 suburban Single mayhem 18 6k clamped 151.2 Same truck 2 mayhem 12's 14k clamped 153.0 2-mayhem 15's 154.2 14k clamped 2 mayhem 18's 14k clamped 155.0 2 chaos 12's 1600 clamped 148.3 Those are a couple of the tests ive done in this truck. If you dig up my termlab subwoofer database you can see them all. Tons of data to make your own conclusion.
  9. I heard rusty offers an upgraded cone assy for it. The coil and spiders can take whatever you want. I think the cone to surround attachment shoul be stronger. The cotton weave over the surround is really neat too. I dont know all the geometery specs, but looks like maybe the back of the cone could touch the spider spacer. Maybe. I have the cone at my house, ill look at it again. Is a fuggin beast either way, id love to had more time to play with it. Fun to see the envolpe pushed so far.
  10. The sub came apart with me at the vol knob. I blew it up. <<<<<. This fucking guy. And??? N8.. What i think failed.. Humm. Doesnt really matter does it.
  11. Be warned.. Do not bash in this thread. This sub is a beast btw. I still cant believe the size of the motor and spiders. Amazing.
  12. Its made a clacking sound since day1 Surround let go of cone. O well, onto the next.
  13. Dead gutted unicorn is better than a flaming in yo trunk unicorn. Lol
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