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Everything posted by trainman0978

  1. I am sure it is a nice truck. I am not sure if I would really consider a 83 F150 a "classic" though. I guess since it was built before you were born it probably is to you. And no doubt the sentimental value is a big part of that , but - a 1983 truck is still pretty easy to find in most parts of the country. I don't think you will be able to enter vary many classic car shows with it. Other than that. Go for it.
  2. according to this site http://www.dieselairhorns.com/collection.html the CSX engines use the same horn. So it is not just amtrack. I am sure it is not on every engine, cause some of the old engines have very weak sounding horns. But I am willing to bet every engine under 10-15 years old prolly has this same sounding horn.
  3. I don't know what brand they are on top of our engines. don't make no difference to me. I will say that the Amtrack horns are nowhere near as loud as some of the horns on certain freight train engines. You would think the opposite is true, considering the speed amtrack runs compared to freight trains. I am around these things everyday, and I meet anywhere from 2- 5 amtrack trains a night when I am at work. The horns they use sound dim and weak , and I would even go so far as to say they are purposely quieter so not to upset passengers riding the trains. The FRA has some requirements as to how loud a horn has to be as far as minimum and maximum decibel levels and horn tones. Hell the EPA gets involved in the testing due to "noise pollution" , which , when you think about is kinda retarded. Trains kill people daily. The horns and flashing lights are all the warning we have. And they are worried about noise pollution. some cities have " quiet zones " where the trains are not even allowed to blow the horn over road crossings. And we also have to follow the 15 to 20 second rule now. Which is a FRA mandate that prettty much says, unless you are about to hit someone , you cannot blow the crossing for less than 15 seconds, but not more than 20 seconds, including the final sounding as the locomotive over takes the road crossing and blocks it ... Basically what it boils down to , Most major cities are running out of land. The last good real estate left is along train tracks. We are seeing more and more VERY expensive homes popping up around the tracks. The rich start bitching and the laws change.
  4. I saw another story about this in the marginalia column of this months Playboy mag. I think some dude in virginia or west virginia is trying to get them banned there too.... What about all the dogs walking around with their nuts showing? seriously , what a fuckin waste of a politicians time and tax payer money.
  5. Trust me , If you are not buying from a locomotive parts supply dealer, you are not getting a real train horn. You might get close, but all of the varieties I have heard on vehicles around here, Jacksonville, ATL, and all the other places I have been , NOTHING is relatively close to being truly as loud as a horn hooked to the top of the locomotives I drive daily. The horns on most Road Locomotives ( the really big ones, not the small yard engines ) are about 20 to 30 inches long, and have huge valve bodies, and run off of the main reservoir tank that is prolly 250 gallons or better. When I blow the horn , the main reservoir gauge dips down with each sounding. Hunt around online for a locomotive repair company, or scrap yard, or some sort of supply shop, that is the only way you will get a "real" train horn...Keep trying guys.
  6. naw, Dustin I think I am gonna stay around here and finish putting in the hardwoods floors over at my parents house and then start building my box. Maybe next time. However , I am gonna be in town tomorrow ...
  7. just vinyl the two separate boxes, put em and bolt them together inside the box. That seam will probably make it look a little cleaner looking...
  8. Bosch or Hitachi. Hitachi makes good stuff, just don't buy the cheapest one. They are like everyone else, they have a "cheap" model that is for house wives and gift givers. Step up one or two levels and you will get great quality. Their compound mitre saws are some of the best in the biz, hands down.
  9. for haters? what? Do you put on lip gloss and pucker your lips like a high school girl , then flex your muscles for a pic ? hating , bullshit. It is a website that is intended for humor, because that shit is funny. There is only a small group of people that do this type of stuff, and I am sorry, but they deserve to be made fun of. No self respecting male will tan himself so much that his skin turns orange. Never mind the girl who finds that to be attractive. they kinda deserve one another
  10. Yah spelled bass wrong in that context " knowledge base " , ohh, and incorectly is actually spelled incorrectly ... :D :D :D could. not. resist.
  11. yeah on the left side of the page is some of the "classics" and these guys are not right, I don't wanna name call and say " gay " but I guess depending on how you look at it, they are in some way or another... After all, what guy puckers his lips for a picture, and wears lip gloss, shoots more roids than a Mr. hercules competitor ( or whatever ) then goes into a club and drinks a mixed drink with a straw. I do not understand. And I can understand having a tan, but turning yourself orange and making your hair look like a plastic wig off of a lego toy?
  12. I stumbled across this while wondering around the net today. THIS HAS GOT TO BE THE FUNNIEST SHIT EVER hot chicks with douche bags For the love of god , are these guys for real ?
  13. I told you guys, you never know what you are gonna find on there from day to day. Did you see the weird cloud pics? , Yeah they were followed by this... Ohh, and the bear attacking the DNR guy trying to release him...
  14. She had a bebo page, much like myspace... all the pics of "her ride" were basically steve's setup , right down to th pic of his amps laying on his floor in his den with "her little cazin ray" layin on them. Her cazin was actually steve's son... Yep... She had pics of his box in his garage , pics of his escalade gauges, pics of his 360's , and pics of his alternators. To top it off she even posted up his system diagram that he amade to show everybody what she "has" in her tahoe... PRETTY FUCKIN PATHETIC.
  15. Yeah, If it's any consolation , Meade got tossed into college park by Delta. Shit , man a 20 minute ride up the interstate and you could been in a much nicer area. Tomorrow will be better for ya. Lake Lanier is a great place, and it is completely different than college park... They should had you sent up to the lake tonight instead being at that rat hole...
  16. She was a post once a minute member yesterday, and no sign of her today... I wonder if she is one of the "guests" watching the thread....
  17. Anybody seen this before, apparently it is a police stolen and seized goods auction site. Some junk in there, but some serious ass deals as well.... property room
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