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Status Replies posted by Sergeant_Skyrim

  1. I hate to imagine the larger amount of volume of work and the quicker I could do it if it wasn't for this site lol.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      +1. I spend a lot of time on here browsing and thinking "oh I should do that for myself" and never do. Next page!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Took a test to see what side of my brain I use the most. The results were kind of surprising. I use both sides almost equally. 51% right and 49% left.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Is that an online test? I'd be curious to know mine, I lack any sort of creativity whatsoever. Can't remember which side that is though...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Decisions decisions...those LVL 6 18s are looking pretty good and say 4500 RMS a piece. Would require same airspace for 2 as it would for the 4 12" Zcons I was planning (already have 2) and would fit with my DC9k just as perfectly. Just wish I could hear LVL 6s in person to make a judgement call :/

  4. Decisions decisions...those LVL 6 18s are looking pretty good and say 4500 RMS a piece. Would require same airspace for 2 as it would for the 4 12" Zcons I was planning (already have 2) and would fit with my DC9k just as perfectly. Just wish I could hear LVL 6s in person to make a judgement call :/

  5. 59 lbs will be at my doorstep on Tuesday coming from Tampa Florida! Any guesses :peepwall:

  6. Did a satirical speech on how I would open a credit union that worked like the federal government by just raising the debt limit whenever you over spent.... got in trouble with the teacher for using a controversial topic. Glad to know abortion is ok to talk about and not politics.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      But that's hilarious Alan, people are too damn sensitive and don't wanna hurt each others feelings. Let's all just ignore the issue and hope it goes away

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. Did a satirical speech on how I would open a credit union that worked like the federal government by just raising the debt limit whenever you over spent.... got in trouble with the teacher for using a controversial topic. Glad to know abortion is ok to talk about and not politics.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Plot twist: Ellen is Biebs. Don't tell me you've never noticed the resemblance...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. My mom got a boob job. Awkwardness levels exceeding 9000.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      I see you're in NPR and I'm in Tampa, is there any way I can swing by to get a demo of the system?...while your mom is home? Just to have adult supervision in case something goes wrong you know, no ulterior motives I promise! :P

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  9. My mom got a boob job. Awkwardness levels exceeding 9000.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      I feel like as your friends, we really need to see a picture so we can really determine whether or not it's truely awkward. I feel like it's unfair for you as a single en'tit'y (no pun intended) to make the decision without our group support ;)

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  10. Couldnt get the nut on the bottom of the alt loose, broke a ratchet trying. Gave up, thought about it a coupe days. Realized that i am an idiot it's a bolt that comes from the back and the nut is part of the bracket. Tight ass engine compartments ftl.

  11. Rear view cameras? Any people with walls here have one? Would be a lot more visibility than a square foot of plexi in the rear of the wall through 5% tint...

  12. There should be an actual nomination and voting thread for best thread of the year.

  13. 18 cubic feet gross to work with inside of the shell. Hmm...

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Don't know if I've got enough space for two of those big boy subs Kyle...let's be realistic here. Was thinking a pair of PWX6s?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. 18 cubic feet gross to work with inside of the shell. Hmm...

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Keep in mind this is just the air space inside of the shell. No woofer or wood volume for the actual "box" is being taken into account. Plan for now is 2 more 12 inch Zcons but I've also been looking at Team Fi 15s LOL

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. Lets see... 20 percent for the front windows, 10 percent on the back windows and 5 on the rear window? my car is a 2013 Ford Focus and its black

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      If your concern is about visibility however, I do have to lean forward look out of my windshield when turning sometimes at night in poorly lit places like neighborhoods. Or roll the windows down. But yeah, be mindful of the other traffic laws and you shouldn't really have issues

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. it's sad how drugs are affecting people's lives, from alcohol, to recreational to prescription medication pills, I'm glad I've never smoked anything & never been high, watching others go through it is enough to keep me away from drugs for the 37 years I've lived on this planet & I plan on keeping it up...

  17. Lets see... 20 percent for the front windows, 10 percent on the back windows and 5 on the rear window? my car is a 2013 Ford Focus and its black

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      If you're going to get an illegal shade, why not just wrap it in 5 and call it a day haha? Had mine like that for about a year now and have had 0 issues with it :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Long ago, but you guys remember, when a question about subs, went in the sub forum. When a question about amps, went in the amp section??. So on & so on.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Tl;dr. Let me just post a question asking for the cliff notes of your status in general audio

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  19. really cannot figure out how to upload pictures to my content...

  20. really cannot figure out how to upload pictures to my content...

  21. Time to make some more sawdust

  22. Took 6000 volts to the knee today while painting at work... Accidentally jammed my knee into a transformer when I went to kneel down. Talk about chest and knee pain.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Damn bro that looks like nothing but I can only imagine how it must've felt. Electricity is not to be fucked with!

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  23. Took 6000 volts to the knee today while painting at work... Accidentally jammed my knee into a transformer when I went to kneel down. Talk about chest and knee pain.

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Holy...I could not even imagine...I get freaked the hell out when I connect wires in my 12v car, nevermind 6000v lol

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  24. Anyone here have crabs?

    1. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Eventually just took them back to the pet store though and parted ways

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

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