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Status Updates posted by Swordlordboy1234

  1. any one here play RTS games like sc2 or wc3?

    1. Amart88


      I used to play SC2

  2. To those curious, specifically Dubindodge. I did some testing today grant. It doesn't hit any harder or lower to my ear with one side sealed. Helped my flex a little bit more :).. But I'm loudest to the ear both doors closed and both front windows down.

    1. DubNDodge


      Cool deal. I also get more flex with one side sealed up. Props on that paper trick, glad to see another sealed trunk doin' work!

  3. Who wants a update video of 2 XFL 12's in a BHE double kerfed box on a ct 2500 doing a 49+ on the ear o meter? I really can't wait to get this thing on the term lab. If last time was a 145.... My god. This time should be impressive.

  4. Guys... Today i seen something totally crazy. Soundman did a iPad dash install.

    1. audiofanaticz


      Whoa!!!! Who would of thought they would of made a video about doing it too!! LoL

  5. I'm curious if there is a way to stop rear door flex and sunroof flex in my car with out putting my car into super modified.

    1. scooter99


      Yes, turn it down!~LOL

  6. Someone on Facebook just said that ultra caps would be good for a burp but bad on music because the amp and the caps would fight each other for power.... LUL wut?

    1. SnowDrifter


      Tell said person to crawl back under their rock and stay there

  7. My trunk fence is flexing my doors and roof!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Hahaha I just read that

  8. I wonder if I should make a build log of my gf's truck. It will be a simple center console build. 5 ch. all DD

  9. andddddd i think a sub speaker wire came a little loose on the terminal cup. Lows hit, and only 1 sub moves. All higher notes work just fine. zzzzzz.. Ill fix tomorrow. FTS. Its raining and i got a headache.

  10. God damn this box. Hurry up BHE! Im forced to turn my ported box into a sealed box by taking out the port and sealing the hole while i wait for a real box.

  11. I really wanna get SOTM this month. A set of MEZZO's sounds like a huge upgrade from my polks!

  12. 160db for how many minutes? My gf is a boss. That is all. Flavius put on a great hair trick show though! Vid uploading now.

  13. many lulz were had in the last couple pages of the meme thread.

  14. Who knows about protect modes on amps? When I'm full tilt on certain songs i protect. Im sure its not thermal. and I'm sure its not arc. Supposedly that leaves only "DC Offset" and "Overload" protection. Does any one know what those are? It also could be instant voltage drop. So i just ordered a SMD volt meter to see if my stinger can't keep up. It reads 13.5 full tilt.

  15. my new sub :) soon it shall have a brother
  16. Im officially set up with the cc1 and dd1. First time ever. Missing a sub so i can't test the results on the bass amp. But I'm loving the 4ch results so far. Lets just say my previous subsonic was below 20hz. Now i have it at 25hz. Ouch.

  17. N8, here is the reshoot especially for you! Got window and sunroof flex from a trunk build?

  18. 2 pages of solid updates on the build log. How about some love? ill take a new video for it tomorrow.

  19. so a already crazy van just added another 10k of power. 4 ns-1

  20. I really can't wait to attack the accord mechanically. Gonna get her back up to 100%. Im very excited, except for my bank account.

  21. Whale calls from a pony wall are in the build log if your curious. Testing new subs.

  22. How many of you have built a vehicle, gotten it the best you possibly could using some insane budget.... And left it to rest (as in didn't rebuild it). I feel like there is a battle in every basshead to try to rebuild and get better, but when's the point where you get it done and it's actually as good as she will get.

  23. The accord is almost ready to be entered in SOTM. :ninja: build log updating now.

  24. I need money for a new box. Someone buy my ZVX 12 and XFL 12! It doesn't get much cheaper for these woofers

  25. Sitting next to a bunch of HOTT sorority girl in my dorm main hall. It's very entertaining I hear all hear all the crap they have done.

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