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Status Updates posted by locomanny569

  1. yes got a new job! go me! time to save up for some DC XL's

  2. had a dream with sundown when im a DC guys 0_o wooow?

    1. TylerParrish


      i have a sundown dream every night, but then again....I'm a sundown kinda guy

    2. SnowDrifter


      I sometimes dream about doing 65s on music. Then I wake up and realize it's not true :sorry:

  3. working in a pawn shop kinda sucks some times

  4. so the world is coming to a end and i don't have my XL's =(

    1. Smoove


      I dont have mine either. not till tax time

  5. wanna work on my trunk but my allergies r killing me!

    1. WastedTalent


      And when will your funeral be scheduled? I'll make sure I attend. Lmfao.

  6. wait so i could turn my m2 level 3 into XL's?

  7. sucks being sick

    1. zydrix


      i feel ya man, im sick to

  8. got my wood for my box!!!!!

    1. OrionStang


      Get off the forum and get cuttin"!!

  9. day of hell at work today i don't know how i don't shoot some one !!!

  10. i knew this day was coming i need a new batt!!!! XS power save me! lol

    1. zydrix


      yeah i gotta get a few d3400's

  11. does any one have trouble ordering from tool maker?

  12. got fucked up on friday and today I'm at work stress free! whats better then that

    1. Omega5002


      stress free work day is always good

  13. having a bday party at my house happy 21st to me!

    1. Turn it up

      Turn it up

      Happy birthday!

      I turned 18 today

  14. aghh i really hate how girls r like car when u see a new one u want it !

    1. WastedTalent


      I never got that way. If I was with one, I was good. Lol. But as far as cars, for sure. Lol.

  15. just tuned my door speakers all set for my DC's to come home

  16. made a video with out audio FML

  17. steve should build a bike ! i want to lol

  18. i just noticed it took me forever to do my trunk and ever since i finshed it i havnt opened my trunk

  19. out of work at 3 gives me enough time to finish my car ...... i think

  20. guess what the ups guy drop off today ??? umm a sexy DC 1.2k

  21. at work and in SMD =)

  22. all i wanted was a DC 12K and i never got it i guess Santa dont bump!

  23. i need my car back!!! geting the rear end painted and i need to finsh my project !!!! its been 2 weeks!

  24. shyt got to clean my house have MDF dust every where!!

  25. i havent got to sleep till late in forever!!

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