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Status Replies posted by Leo1103

  1. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  2. lets see to finish this rebuild i need 180$ for amp and 90$ for another 15. :( i wish i had the money now before amp is gone

  3. pulled off a 141 flat today, streetbeat 1 usaci, not too shabby for the given equipment, 2 memphis power reference 10's, prefab box, DC 3.5k wired to 4 ohm.

  4. I try to be nice to the new guys..... but some make it reeeaaaaallllll difficult.

  5. i miss the old national geographic channel, all that they play now is border wars and doomsday preppers instead of the good shows

  6. Recomendatkions on what to watch on netflix? Lets stick with action or comedy.

  7. I finally did it after years. 4 days sober today! :)

  8. So one of my manager's at work claims he had a CRX with 32 10's on 34k doing 165, and an Accord with 2 Orion HCAA 12's doing 164...at 8300w clamped per driver. He also doesn't have any teeth and acts like a meth head, lmao.

  9. temptation is having 4 15s and 10kw all ready to go and refusing to turn it on before everything is finished. been a good day.

  10. fuck this cold/wind I want to be able to work on my car dammit!

  11. fuck this cold/wind I want to be able to work on my car dammit!

  12. Decided to let go of 4 sets of my AA Carbon mids. Check out the FS section for them.

  13. I just love it when my friends supposed 200 dollar hookah vase slips off the grommet, lands on carpet and smashes into a million little pieces, guess I wont be finishing my box or going to sbn this year, my fucking luck.

  14. multi amp setups never again.

  15. multi amp setups never again.

  16. my led bulbs came in today, cant wait to see them tonight

  17. multi amp setups never again.

  18. at what point do you just say screw it and buy another car?

  19. at what point do you just say screw it and buy another car?

  20. Let's put some rims and a set of shoes on this blaze, suggestions?????? Anyone? It's a blue 99. Let's see what ya got! I will be lowering it a bit, and i can buy spacers so go nuts.

  21. Let's put some rims and a set of shoes on this blaze, suggestions?????? Anyone? It's a blue 99. Let's see what ya got! I will be lowering it a bit, and i can buy spacers so go nuts.

  22. that awkward moment when your phone decides to start playing the devil wears prada, in the bank full of members

  23. sick and tired of this piece of shit galaxy s3, HTC makes much better phones hands down.

  24. sick and tired of this piece of shit galaxy s3, HTC makes much better phones hands down.

  25. Word around school today was that someone cut 3 tips of their fingers off on a table saw in construction class and he responded to the situation with a very calm "fuuuuuuuuu". Weed's a hell of a drug lol

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