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Status Replies posted by Herokight

  1. I don't usually bitch too much about it, but homelessness sucks.

  2. I love it when people use passive crossovers and have a creative place to put them instead of right next to them amp or hidden behind the door panel. Makes me wanna reconsider running active.

  3. how much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains

  4. I love it when people use passive crossovers and have a creative place to put them instead of right next to them amp or hidden behind the door panel. Makes me wanna reconsider running active.

  5. well that was a rough weekend

  6. Signin' the house papers on Friday!!! Construction will be finished in October, can't wait to get out of apartment living.

  7. Lol poor N8. He's going to have a tough time when he logs on and sees that everyone is posting in general audio

  8. Evidently I'm not as active so people think they can just run amuck even after being told otherwise.

  9. Out of curiosity I googled "irish metal bands" and discovered Celtic metal. This shit is brutal. Definitely not what I expected when I read "death metal meets irish folk music"

  10. Out of curiosity I googled "irish metal bands" and discovered Celtic metal. This shit is brutal. Definitely not what I expected when I read "death metal meets irish folk music"

  11. Bunch of new federal job openings in my area. Every one of them requires experience. SO, how the fuck do you get experience if the entry level positions require it? Has to be a fuckng typo. Either that or the government is dumber than I thought.

  12. Just asked myself 'am i over doing this audio stuff?' . . . then thought some of my peeps at SMD see me as a joke still, so got 2 more small cap-killa batteries total of 6 cap-killaz... these where resting at 13.1 without a charge WOOP!

  13. Happy Birthday Adam!!!!!!

  14. $133 to fix the 3500, not too bad, although I thought warranty work is supposed to be free. Oh well, could be worse.

  15. Finally... 1,000 posts... Never thought I'd see this day.

  16. Finally... 1,000 posts... Never thought I'd see this day.

  17. Finally... 1,000 posts... Never thought I'd see this day.

  18. i've never seen so many people excited about wire lol

    1. Herokight


      I have noticed this as well. It is a little aggravating. It looks like great stuff, I mean I'm planning on using it since it's HUGE wire at an awesome price, but still...

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. Parents are getting divorced, not feeling the greatest right now, builds are probably gonna be on hold for a while as well..

  20. You never realize how dumb some of your friends are until they tell you they used cable tv wire as their amp ground.

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