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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by Raptorman

  1. need a new job...fuck mcdonalds..

  2. I want to do an SUV build. These damn Blazers and Hoe's Expedition got me thinking.

  3. Windows 8, i dont know if i like you yet. We need to spend more time together so I can get to know you. BUt I almost scared to make that commitment because I think i already know how this is going to play out.

  4. I has a new avatar.

  5. i can now solder wires correctly. all my 1/0 has been and heatshrunk for now and half of my 4ga has been too. i love my new job except when the say here drive this 100k+ car outa this tightass spot

  6. i put over triple the rms to a sub in a box way too big and they blew.. the subs are junk lolololol

  7. hmm alt or plastidip decisions decisions

  8. $133 to fix the 3500, not too bad, although I thought warranty work is supposed to be free. Oh well, could be worse.

  9. think im gonna try the diode trick friday... and did you know if you enter just the tracking number into google search it auto pulls up O_O im a interweb noobz again

  10. think im gonna try the diode trick friday... and did you know if you enter just the tracking number into google search it auto pulls up O_O im a interweb noobz again

  11. where does everyone get their shag/fur i need like 12 yards O_O

  12. Anyone want to Skype or tango I'm super bored

  13. Anyone want to Skype or tango I'm super bored

  14. TylerParrish. PMs. NOW.

  15. well fuck I'm officially broke til wednesday

  16. well fuck I'm officially broke til wednesday

  17. Didn't realize how many members here are still in Highschool. congrats to those graduating in the coming days.

  18. last week of school befote I graduate. where'd the last 4 years go? lol damn.

  19. last week of school befote I graduate. where'd the last 4 years go? lol damn.

  20. The science of car audio: putting 10lbs of shit in a 1lb bag.

  21. The science of car audio: putting 10lbs of shit in a 1lb bag.

  22. The science of car audio: putting 10lbs of shit in a 1lb bag.

  23. Hell yeah. ordered SHCA wire last night at 9pm..SHIPPED today.! shca ftw. got 50ft speaker wire for home audio build.

  24. Officially an Authorized Member Seller WOOT!

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