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Everything posted by qu1cks1lver56

  1. damn looks nice, i have a samsung instinc hd. its an alright phone, but it lacks in a lot of areas, i wish i woulda waited for the samsung droid phone for sprint to come out though.
  2. thats cool of you to do man, wish i had a 360, all of those games i like.
  3. great seller, bought some 1/0 ring terminals a while back from him. quick shipping and great communication
  4. man strep throat sucks ass, i had it for the first time back at new years. if your doctor hasnt, get him to give you a prescription for a z pack. that shit will have you feelin much better in a day of taking it. as for helping the pain until the meds work, mix a glass of half water half apple cider vinegar (nasty as hell, but takes some of the throat pain down). edit: glad you got some meds
  5. man the last time i had some it was done right. it was so smooth, and hardly any of it had me buzzin like crazy.
  6. too bad i just upgraded my phone, got some good deals on there
  7. ive only piddled around with vegas, but i really love final cut. out of the 4 editing programs ive used (movie maker, premiere pro cs3, vegas, and final cut) it was the best out of them.
  8. i love damplifier pro, the door pack i had really made a difference on my hatch and doors, planning to buy a couple bulk packs to do my truck with.
  9. those powerbass comps. are hard to beat for the money. id take them over the audiopipes
  10. RF has them on their website, $5 a pop. i bought 2 of them a while back, and i broke both of them. im about to order a couple more. edit: do tell^^ i keep breaking my RF ones.
  11. i want a lanyard. i been rocking this RF one for a while and it just broke on me. need a new one.
  12. do you have access to another eq to pop in there and try? sounds like the eq may be the problem, but wont know for sure till you put a headunit in there. thats my guess anyways.
  13. theyve got pretty good prices on everything, especially cadence amps if you like them, and have free shipping on some stuff tomorrow
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