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Everything posted by bassface

  1. Damn man that woods awful thin for that monster.
  2. Well you need to build a box inside of a steel box that probably doesnt have perfectly strait sides. then you will have to somehow screw in your subs from the top which may be easy or ridiculously hard. The whole front bottom and side of truck box will have to be padded somehow or it will be rattling the hell out of the bed. I mean it looks cool, very james bondy. Goodluck on it man, im just thinking it will be much more difficult to do then you may be thinking.
  3. Once you leave you never go back, period. Everyone thinks they can quit for a while, then it's too hard to clear their schedule for it and go back. Exactly, I left school with every intention to go back. Worst decision I ever made. I agree with this.
  4. I would guess they are all resting at different voltages no matter what.
  5. I am also able to put my seats all the way back, which is why i made the downfiring boxes because i was worried the cones may hit the seats if they fired forward, the truck is a 2003 ford lighting so the space was very limited. The boxes are painted using the factory color automotive paint, base coat/ clear coat. They are dirty because I havent touched them in like 5 yrs.
  6. I made these for my single cab ford lightning out of fiberglass for 8w7 sealed 1.7 cu ft each.
  7. are you only changing the springs or the control arms as well?
  8. You can always just set it by ear. and yeah I guess you can use a multi meter. http://knowledge.sonicelectronix.com/car-audio-and-video/car-amplifiers/how-to-adjust-amplifier-gains-using-a-digital-multi-meter.html
  9. I made 2 fiberglass boxes for my single cab ford lightning awhile back, i have 2 8's downfiring and they sounded pretty good. I down fired them so the excursion didnt hit the back of the seats. heres some pics, i was able to get like 1.7cu ft in each one behind the seats. .
  10. Im guessing the resistance in the speaker wire possibly changed the reading. Damn that dmm seems off by quite a bit though.
  11. I probably wouldn't advertise this kind of practice on a sound forum where you MIGHT want to possibly sell something. I probably wouldnt buy from a guy willing to do something like that, and likely others won't either. Thats fine i dont sell things used anyways, i give them away. I would worry less about selling things and worry more about insurance fraud. Just my 2 cents. Dude lighten up it was a joke.
  12. Yeah i wont be cutting it, just leaving 3" of it outside to port into cabin.
  13. All of these replys make good sense, I can now feel confident about my port sticking 3 inches out of the 4th order.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong but If you are shortening the port it will raise the tuning frequency, a longer port will give you a lower tuning. Yep thats right.
  15. Ah cool man, thats what i was hoping to hear, so why do some people say they can tune the box by moving the port in or out?
  16. Does only the part of the port inside the box count towards port length?. I have heard 2 different things regarding this. I have heard some say only whats inside the box counts towards port length tuning. I have also heard from others that the length of the port inside the box doesn't matter only the overall length of the port itself. So can someone clear this up for me, thanks.
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