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Everything posted by WastedTalent

  1. Go strip on the side You should get it in a few years then.
  2. It's not just you that experiences it, that's for sure. I attend college online and many people experience it. Think for everyone, it happens on ONE website. Like yours was for SMD, theirs is for college, ect. It's never on youtube, google, your email, etc. Just one random website.
  3. Hell yeah. Lol. Two external hd's along with a flash and the phone? Damn. Lots of copies... Definitely true but not all of us can afford online storage. I know it's not that expensive (like $12 a month or something) but still. Most of us spend all we got on car audio.
  4. x2 for what they said. without knowing why you've been through them and what exactly the rest of your system consists of, no one can recommend anything. Got a crap amp? High level subs ain't for you, not til you get a better amp. Got the world's greatest amp? Definitely wouldn't be rocking some entry level subs. And also battery type would help, alternator input, wiring upgrades... ect. Kind've need to know all that for anyone to recommend anything. Otherwise just might as well be drunk and tryin to pin the tail on that donkey.
  5. Sweet, that may be what I need to buy some. Low on cash and definitely need some deadening. So get paid on the 24th... probably put in an order on the 25th right before the code is invalid. Thanks to the team at SS!!
  6. Haha, be funny as hell if he became the next Bill Gates or something. But I see it more like a Soulja Boy. I won't lie, I'm a little jealous that he got the money and all before he even finished high school. But the songs he makes? Like ever since the first 2? Oh my lord. How in the hell is the rap genre continuing with pure crap like that? Eazy E, Dre, Snoop, Ice Cube, Too Short, all them built the genre and it's retards like that who are gonna kill it. People always ask what music I listen to. "Music that we've all heard a billion damn times". I still pound that Eazy E, old school cube, stuff like that. The stuff from early to mid 90's. Ain't a whole lot of new stuff coming out I like and can find from a trusted source. Yeah it hits hard or whatnot but I just don't feel it. And noobtastic, Idk man. Theres I think one (The girl who's usually like right next to him and in the middle) that I'd do if I was drunk but other than her and that other girl? Those the nasty girls that be on welfare and shit. My standards are just don't look like a crackhead. I'd rather pound a beached whale with a pretty face than those girls... drunk or not but preferably drunk.
  7. I just don't get why girls would be in it, unless they ugly like they are. Don't see those hotties from pitbull's videos in stuff like that haha. Think outta all those girls, only one is do-able. Girl at like 19 secs. Not bad but definitely not supermodel status. But eh, I'm with you bwolf, it's stupid and all but why people so mad and crap about it? I realize yeah it's a 6 year old talkin about havin sex which is too damn young but if that's how the parents raise him? Ain't hurtin any of us. He's just gonna be another SWAGGGGG kid lmfao. So he'll go from booty pop to "Would you like fries with that?"
  8. At times, seems like he's thinking "STOP! THOSE ASSES ARE GONNA SMASH MY FACE!!!" haha. But most those girls ugly anyways. And the producer said he did it as a joke since the whole nation was in a uproar over it. It was on CNN or some bs like that.
  9. I think you'd be fine. I'm at like 1200 watts I believe, (could be a little high or low), and stock everything except battery and I just have dimming lights when the bass hits and of course the volume up. So the big 3 does help a lot, so I'd think at worst? You'd have some dimming lights. But your alt is better (mine's like 90 amps) so should be fine.
  10. Haha, the reason it seems like they didn't read it is because honestly, this is asked a lot. And they're pretty knowledgeable. For full potential, upgrade your battery, upgrade your wiring, and upgrade the alternator. I'd get a 2nd battery before the alternator but to each their own. As for the battery, most people will recommend what Snafu said. XS batteries. On the right they have a vehicle fit guide, not sure how accurate, but it recommends a D925. I'm not sure (I'd ask others on here, or wait for them to chime in on this specifically) if that'd be enough without a HO alternator. May need a bigger battery or more batteries if you wanna do 1500 rms. I'm new to the audio world myself so that's why not sure. I'm here to learn and give some advice on what I do know.
  11. Seriously. Put on the lights they have on the mirrors, put some lights in your grill? It's like a 100% authentic cop car. Lol. And I probably would pull some girls over if I had that setup.
  12. That's what I'm saying. I see you pull up behind me? *Puts on the good driver disguise*. Haha. You put on the bright lights they got? You got the undercover cop car man.
  13. Isn't the Olympics like 16 days? But my favorite is wherever there's some hot girls. Women's soccer, volleyball (indoor and beach), field hockey, swimming, gymnastics, ect. Along with basketball.
  14. Oh if we're naming sites like that, I gotta go with actually a local shop near me. stealthmachines. I found their site a few years ago, did some research and found maybe 1 bad review total about them so I placed an order. As Derrikm said, it's one of those sites that lets you pick what you want. Well, I did that and the actual owner called me and we went over everything on the phone. Have had the computer for over 2 years, maybe 3. Absolutely ZERO problems. But I went pretty high end and spent 2 grand.
  15. i'd upgrade the CPU. That one is solid, yes, but if your going big... go all out. I'm not sayin to spend $1200 on that 690 GPU that recently came out but could do a better CPU without spending all that much more. Otherwise, seems like one hell of a build.
  16. What you implying? That I spent too much? I spent 2 grand on mine. and yes, that's just the tower. If you include the monitor and all, then it's more like $2200-2300.
  17. I could rock that lol. It would really turn some heads at work if I wore it to hold my badge I vote for you to do it. DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Also take pics of what those faces look like haha.
  18. Noob input here... but could he just not add polyfill? Tricks the sub in thinking the box is bigger. Would that not help with the box? Again, noob input so if I'm completely wrong, don't hate too hard.
  19. Good to know. I was gonna do the Trunk Pack as they call it and work on the rest of the car later. But as you've all said for his question, the Trunk Pack will obviously be enough for more than just that.
  20. I was in the one in the NE last summer. Where I was, wasn't anything major. But I thought I was on some serious drugs or something. Saw our A/C unit move then the wall move. I was talkin to someone and they didn't notice anything. That just was an added effect. Truly think if/when socal gets a big one, it's gonna rip it off and become an island eventually.
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