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Status Replies posted by Neckbeard

  1. Headset is finally here. So far it doesn't look broken.

  2. Headset is finally here. So far it doesn't look broken.

  3. who's ready for autorama !?

  4. buy some more kilos so i can sell for more car audio

  5. Word around school today was that someone cut 3 tips of their fingers off on a table saw in construction class and he responded to the situation with a very calm "fuuuuuuuuu". Weed's a hell of a drug lol

  6. "On my briefcase was some crumbled weed."

  7. Found a car on CL that is perfect, parents are gonna buy it for me then i repay them back. Owner of the fucking car doesn't respond -.-

  8. According to the news that asshole is cornered up in Big Bear....2 officers down..Im trying to confirm with my Uncle on whats really going on. If he is really cornered he is dying today...either suicide or an officer is taking him down. I doubt he will see a jail cell

  9. According to the news that asshole is cornered up in Big Bear....2 officers down..Im trying to confirm with my Uncle on whats really going on. If he is really cornered he is dying today...either suicide or an officer is taking him down. I doubt he will see a jail cell

  10. According to the news that asshole is cornered up in Big Bear....2 officers down..Im trying to confirm with my Uncle on whats really going on. If he is really cornered he is dying today...either suicide or an officer is taking him down. I doubt he will see a jail cell

  11. According to the news that asshole is cornered up in Big Bear....2 officers down..Im trying to confirm with my Uncle on whats really going on. If he is really cornered he is dying today...either suicide or an officer is taking him down. I doubt he will see a jail cell

  12. Just heard that on the 14th, IRS accepting returns. If true and mine gets filed, on the 15th, expect a call mechman!

  13. atouk tala zugzug

  14. highest SPL in a single cab truck?

  15. well, it looks like i will be moving to oregon around june-july kinda want to be there befroe the 4th. could use help fiberglassing my doors when i move down there.

  16. well, it looks like i will be moving to oregon around june-july kinda want to be there befroe the 4th. could use help fiberglassing my doors when i move down there.

  17. Guess I need to grab some stainless hardware. The screws that hold in my battery posts are starting to corrode

  18. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  19. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  20. how much in materials (mdf, fiber glass, 2 3/4" threaded rods for bracing) for a basic wall with 2 18s in a sedan? ball park?

  21. Anyone know the trick to raise your charging voltage?

  22. Anyone know the trick to raise your charging voltage?

  23. I need friends on here. lol

  24. I need friends on here. lol

  25. the wife wants to move state, i wouldnt mind doing so either but where to? she has family in michiigan, i have family in oregon. so many choices that i just dont know. would love to see my family agian, its been 7 years but i cant keep her from not seeing hers.

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