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Mr. Darkjustice

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkjustice

  1. im getting what seems to be back pressure in my vents lol oh and if youre goin to seal it be sure to rip off your rear deck, c pillars, and seats to make sure you get everything that could possibly leak. most cars have the little padding between the doors and the rear seats, id check there too
  2. if youve sealed it 100% itll stop trunk lid rattle, if you miss so much as a hole that the size of a quarter itll still rattle up somethin annoyin. if you seal it off right and it still rattles, you either missed somethin or your box likes to move lol
  3. rex is the biggest con artist there and one of his employees or ex employees is a pedo. he tried to get in my exes sisters pants, who was 15 at the time, and her dad beat the audiophile out of him
  4. the air pressure and vibration will face rape the hell out of them. only thing that may work would be a special door or somethin to conceal them when your ridin around
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-hXdXhswrI&feature=fvw also about the guy LMAO
  6. i compared how much miy 15s moved to some fresh reconed level 5 12s and the 12s moved with some serious ease both were installed
  7. cracked makes a huge difference lol. i just think it sounds like crap with it up
  8. i think in every situation that sounds better. unless you ride around with the windows up listenin to music in the low 30s. and is that am bolted down to the box? doesnt look like it. id throw in some rubber grommets....you know just in case
  9. sounds decent, not enough bass for them though. oh and they remind me of the twilight cast
  10. funny thing about this is ive seen one in the middle of port huron in the hood. funny thing was the thing had a drive thru lol
  11. cuttin off dicks and broomsticks up the ass? is he on some pain olympics shit or somethin?
  12. that i agree with, but your original posts were motivated by minorities gettin the jobs over non minorities. i agree with EOE 100% because if it wasnt there any company majority based would never hire outside of that majority. the ones that choose to hire someone you ASSUME isnt a better candidate for the job couldve been hired for totally different reasons. plenty of people get hired just because of who they know or where they worked before. or in your case because maybe how you learned to do somethin would conflict with how they do things. it does happen
  13. i dont understand what youre getting at when theres people that arent minorities that get hired just because they arent minorities:shrug:
  14. well i can say if that happens you wont be seein me online anymore. it means i cant watch my shows or pron for free. i mean what else is the internet for?
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