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Robert8252 last won the day on February 26 2012

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About Robert8252

  • Birthday 01/27/1989

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    Bass, Porn, & Hertz

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  1. I have an original DD1 and have only replaced the battery once. Not saying the battery isn’t the issue. Make sure your ground is good, how are you connecting the speaker wire to the DD1? Have you tried switch polarity of the wire to the DD1?
  2. Was mad I just bought a box last weekend but luckily for you I need more. Thanks for the code!
  3. Ordered it for Xbone Monday. Should be here in a day or so, looking forward to it this weekend.
  4. Debating on PS4 or Xbone, but yes I'm picking it up this week.
  5. I have it on xbone and am really liking it. Only a few hours into it but just started playing it Sunday. GT is RByers89
  6. What ever has more exclusives coming that interest you or more friends you want to play with. I have both, both controllers are good, both cost to play online, ps plus is nice though if you have a vita and ps3 as well because I get 2 free games on each system every month. Graphics shouldn't make your decision, both look phenomenal over last gen and will have the same apps and features in the end. Both have clunky GUIs right now IMO and no good organization, I do like kinects voice commands and use it daily for watching tv and Netflix but I don't know if that alone would make me buy one over the other. I do think playstation gets the better exclusives with Naughty Dog, sucker punch, Gran Turismo, etc.. But Xbox has a few as well.
  7. Good read for the game. http://m.ign.com/articles/2014/08/27/exploring-the-size-scope-and-survival-elements-of-the-division Sounds amazing, hopefully it delivers.
  8. First Light DLC came out today. Same city, just Fetch's story before meeting her in the game. Played a few hours tonight, same feel as the game but I like it.
  9. Norman Reedus will be the main protagonist. The teaser demo is free.
  10. Alright. If you have a PS4 go download the P.T. demo. Very intense and scary but awesome.
  11. Can't wait, looks like I'll be jumping like a little girl. Loved the first couple Silent Hills but was disappointed in the last one. http://www.polygon.com/2014/8/12/5996537/silent-hill-ps4-hideo-kojima-guillermo-del-toro
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