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Everything posted by Broke_Audio_Addict

  1. You would only know what you're seeing in your real world scenario which will not be the same for everyone.
  2. Not a big drinker myself but I have a friend that loves craft beers, his favorite is dragon's milk by New Holland brewery
  3. So would i be better with 3-4 d3100 over two d7500?4 d3100= 440 ah2 d7500= 280 ah. Is that even true I've seen xs power say a d7500 = 1.5 d3100 Got the numbers right from their site so unless their own numbers are wrong yeah its true.
  4. So would i be better with 3-4 d3100 over two d7500? 4 d3100= 440 ah 2 d7500= 280 ah.
  5. Not just good they are the best, and the only belts I'll spend my money on.
  6. Look up a gates belt chart and get the next size down from yours if that's not short enough buy the next size down.
  7. Shorter belt is the way I would go. Also what brand of tensioner is it? I've seen many different cheap tensioner's such as dayco fail in a very short amount of time I try to stick with oem.
  8. I have no problems with rap most of it is just not my cup of tea people are entitled to listen to whatever they want. I do listen to some rap but most of the newer guys their stuff is just (in my opinion) garbage there are however many that I enjoy and even the ones that have songs I dint like have others I do and that doesn't just go for rap there are songs in all genre's that I dislike and country I don't listen to at all. The problem I have with the murder rape and drug dealing things is that lots of kids look up to these guys and they aren't really setting a good example are they wether that's how they really live or not which in most cases it is not but their words are very powerful and many young kids believe them as truth. And before anyone says kids shouldn't be listening to it anyways I agree but that's not how it goes. Edit- I shouldn't say most of the newer Guys suck because that's not the case but a lot do.
  9. If the music makes you happy it's irrelevant who wrote it, all artist have sung songs written by someone else. nothing makes me happy about slanging coke sleeping with other people's women or robbing people so I can't really applaud jeezy for anything Wether he lives it for real or not. I don't go around bragging about what I have or haven't done it's kinda dumb to brag about criminal activity or tell someone you banged their girl or brag about how tough you are all are dumb ideas. A real man/ tough guy needs to say nothing because anyone that knows you already knows what's up plain and simple.
  10. Sounds good and all but when the post get reported and locked then you get a bunch post asking why their post was deleted because they are clearly to dumb or to lazy to figure out why on their own.
  11. Well you're going to have to have the max dimensions you are willing to give up before anyone could help you decide what size subs to get as they all do not require the same volume. So if we were to tell you get the 18's and you ordered them to find out you don't have the space to build them the proper enclosure you would probably get pretty pissed about it.
  12. A guy with those skills probably clears $100k. why even bother going through the trouble to win a $300 amp? Although I don't think we should bash the guy for using his skill set If the contest was something that any of our skill sets would give us an advantage we would all use them to our advantage.
  13. When did being accused of shooting someone make you real? Guess Im getting old Because there are a lot of people making money off of fake imagines now a days. So are we supposed to applaud him for being an actual piece of shit and not just pretending to be one?
  14. Money can't buy intelligence and a thug is a thug no matter how big their bank account is.
  15. I agree 100% any time I have an encounter with law enforcement I comply even if they are in the wrong because I have nothing to hide and no criminal record. I have encountered some officers that were pure assholes but majority I have met have been very pleasant to deal with I've found that you usually get back what you give so if you just comply and don't scream and yell and act like a damn idiot you can usalky defuse the situation get your ticket or get nothing but a warning and you get to go on with your day and life. Fact of the matter is it's usually criminals that complain about how police treat them if you're a criminal out doing criminal things you deserve to be treated like a CRIMINAL!
  16. If you are in an all black neighborhood who else is going to get stopped by the police except black people? The white people who don't exist. Guess what I'm white and I live in a predominantly white neighborhood and most of the people i see get stopped (and i see a lot because I live right down the street from the sheriff) are white. Fact of the matter is whoever is the majority of the neighborhood is going to be getting stopped by the police. difference is white people can't cry racism so you don't hear about it. No I'm not saying racism doesn't exist because it without a doubt does. Oh just so you know I've been stopped for being white in the wrong neighborhood by a black officer and the reason I was stopped were those words exactly and guess what I didn't make one peep about racist anything. I've also had guns drawn on me three times by white officers for no legitimate reason I just complied and didn't fight or argue with them when they were down with there supposed job I went on with my day and never complained about it. I was also surrounded by by 10 officers and treated like a piece of dirt and talked to like a I as the scum of the earth for lighting off a bottle rocket in the middle of the day and one of the neighbors calling the cops about it because it landed in his yard didn't complain about that either just kept my cool and gave them no reason to arrest me. So don't assume it is only black people who get treated poorly by the police because it's not they treat everyone poorly. They think you're in the wrong or you will get treated like shit regardless of the color of your skin. The best thing you can do is just keep out of trouble and know your rights which is thing more Americans need to learn.
  17. that's mildly disputed. The shots are on the inside of his right arm. And if you view the autopsy, do you run at a cop like that with your palms out? Is the inside of your arms exposed when you run?The only way he could've been shot on his inner arms or thumb the way he was is if he was doing either 1 of 2 things. Running AWAY from the cop, or turned facing the cop with his hands up When you run do you keep your arms flat against your body or do you move them in a back and forth motion exposing your inner arm multiple times while doing so?
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