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My current gaming rig has a Phenom II 955 in it right now and I'm overly happy with it. I won't be upgrading to a bulldozer anytime soon just because of how bad the reviews are. I mean they're saying that a new Intel sandy bridge I5 beats out the bulldozer 8 core.... thats a quad core beating out a 8 core on performance and overclockability.... yeh sorry no. In my next build I'm going to be using Intel's new 2011 cpu probably on liquid cooling. I actually have it all planned out already. I'm custom building my case, Intel 2011 cpu (not sure which one yet. waiting for the price to drop a lil bit), ASUS Formula mb, 12gb ram (Ill just reuse the ram I currently have), Ill either buy another 6950 2gb and run them in xfire or sell the one I have and get 2 560ti 448's, 2 256gb ssd's and my wd 2tb for storage. with the two gpus and the cpu on liquid cooling with 2 240rads. these are my plands at least as long as I get this job in Alaska that I'm going for. make 80k in 6 months by sitting on my ass with a gun in my hand... CAN DO lol. anyway away from all my bullshit I agree. AMD fucked up with the bulldozer. I mean yeh they now have the world record for highest overclock but thats only on 1 core. I mean who wants 1 core running at 8+ghz when you can take a 2600k and overclock it to 5ghz on all 4 cores.

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fixed ;)


wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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AMD hasn't even been on my radar in a long... LONG time. The last chip I bought is the one I'm still running now, a 920 [email protected] on air stock voltage. It's still a complete beast. I've been into computers since the P66 hit which was also my first OC running it at 75... I'm not that into hardware anymore, I just pay attention when it's time to upgrade, but outside of that it isn't something I really pay attention to anymore, but I will say that I haven't even ran an AMD since the TBird came out just to put things in perspective. I only run on air (water and the rest is too much hassle) and for that (sans Prescott) Intel has always been great.

If this whole thing is about high end gaming then um... I don't really see how it matters which CPU you are running as the last game I played that even slightly made my CPU sweat (using more than 50% of it) was GTA4. Outside of that my CPU is practically asleep (minus loading).

I dunno I've never been an AMD fan really... First one I ran was a 166 after my Cyrix blew up and after that it was the T-Bird, so I guess all of 2 total. I have fonder memories of the 66@75, 166MMX@233, PPRO200's, Celeron 300a@450 (I think that's right), [email protected], and my current 920. :pardon: I had friend running T-Birds and what not crazy fast, but they were all running fridges.

If at first you do not succeed, you are doing it wrong! -ARS
Check out my walled TBSS build over here
4 Fi Team 18s on 2 Cactus K9
DS18 doors on 2 MBQ 1Ks, Vifa pillars on a STL4.500
Pioneer X8500
6 XS Power D7500, 1 3400S
Second Skin
2 270a Mechman Alts

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That was a long read but a real eye opener. Good informative post!

amd's rule!!!

1986 C20 Suburban

9 American Bass XFL 15's


14v XS Power Batteries

Maxwell Caps

Acoustical energy is free. Electrical energy is not

you havent lived until you've hit a screw with a router.

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Ok well to start off I started computing back in the day with a TSR80 yeah I am a bit older I know, moving through the C64 days into Amiga and 286/386/486. Till I got a prebuilt machine back in 1994 a pentium 60Mhz with a whopping 4megs of ram. I started to really learn when I was moved to the LAN team at Eglin AFB while there. Fast forward to 1998, I was building custom machines for me and friends and I was using AMD, why? Because they were faster, cheaper and there was no reason to go intel. Then AMD started to rate their processors sorta like Apple did with their Risc processors, the rating and speed were not alike. Now from a consumer end that not only confuses the crap outta people but to me it seemed like a scam of sorts, praying on people with no clue into buying AMD processors. So I went back to intel, moving ahead to my first gaming oriented PC it was as spoken about in this topic a Q6600 G0 step, and MY GOD that processor was a BEAST! Now I have no desire to overclock, but I have done plenty of research on it and that chip was very overclockable. I even sold it years later for $100 when I only paid $179 for it new.

Foward to my current build, an i5 760 quad 2.8Ghz, 16gigs Corsair Vengence DDR3 1600 XMS, MSI Milspec P55A-GD65 mobo, and a GTX470 1.25Gb video card. The rest is bleh standard pc build stuff and a Corsair TX850 PSU. Now this setup is VERY overclockable, however again I have no desire to as my performance is perfect. I can run Black Ops or MW3 or BF3 at 1920x1080 full blown and not skip a beat. I have been looking at the new i5s and honestly I do not think I am gonna move up, they have less cache and I just don't think there will be a big enough jump in performance for me.

I guess overall I would say I agree with the OP, AMD was the shiz back pre 2006 but just went down hill from there and has continually just rolled down further and further. As for video cards, I am currently on board with Nvidia, ATI lost my interest when they couldn't even right drivers for their own products for shiz and Omega drivers were pretty much what everyone was running.

Retired from SPL again....

2016 IASCA Truck/Trunk 2 Champion 151.8db

2016 IASCA Truck/Trunk 2 World Record Holder


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I started to really learn when I was moved to the LAN team at Eglin AFB while there. Fast forward to 1998, I was building custom machines for me and friends and I was using AMD, why? Because they were faster, cheaper and there was no reason to go intel.

Uh oh... Now you did it, old man fight... There was no reason eh? Celeron 300a... That was why you ran Intel in 98. It pwned AMD just like I would have you in Lithium CTF! ;)

If at first you do not succeed, you are doing it wrong! -ARS
Check out my walled TBSS build over here
4 Fi Team 18s on 2 Cactus K9
DS18 doors on 2 MBQ 1Ks, Vifa pillars on a STL4.500
Pioneer X8500
6 XS Power D7500, 1 3400S
Second Skin
2 270a Mechman Alts

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My current gaming rig has a Phenom II 955 in it right now and I'm overly happy with it. I won't be upgrading to a bulldozer anytime soon just because of how bad the reviews are. I mean they're saying that a new Intel sandy bridge I5 beats out the bulldozer 8 core.... thats a quad core beating out a 8 core on performance and overclockability.... yeh sorry no. In my next build I'm going to be using Intel's new 2011 cpu probably on liquid cooling. I actually have it all planned out already. I'm custom building my case, Intel 2011 cpu (not sure which one yet. waiting for the price to drop a lil bit), ASUS Formula mb, 12gb ram (Ill just reuse the ram I currently have), Ill either buy another 6950 2gb and run them in xfire or sell the one I have and get 2 560ti 448's, 2 256gb ssd's and my wd 2tb for storage. with the two gpus and the cpu on liquid cooling with 2 240rads. these are my plands at least as long as I get this job in Alaska that I'm going for. make 80k in 6 months by sitting on my ass with a gun in my hand... CAN DO lol. anyway away from all my bullshit I agree. AMD fucked up with the bulldozer. I mean yeh they now have the world record for highest overclock but thats only on 1 core. I mean who wants 1 core running at 8+ghz when you can take a 2600k and overclock it to 5ghz on all 4 cores.

Not being a dick, really not, but for gaming the i5-2500K and a high-end GPU is all you need. Gives you the overclock-ability of the 3960X and the 2600K for a TON less money. The Sandy Bridge-E chips don't even gain any advantage in gaming until you're running SLI/CrossFireX, and even then it's a 3-5 fps increase (and we're already talking at least 85+ fps from the pair/trio of GPU's in heavy games.) If you've got the $600 for the 3930K or the $1000 for the 3960X, spend $215 on the 2500K and get yourself some new RAM, stronger graphics cards, or a stronger power supply. The 580's are the strongest single card right now. You can grab a pair of 580's and a 2500K for the same price as the extreme 3960X 6-core and a second 6950 2GB. Or grab a 2-way SLI board (I love my ASUS P8Z68 Deluxe, the Maximus IV Extreme-Z is also a killer ASUS board if you're into black and red boards) and the 2500K for less than the 3930K 6-core.

READ: If you've got the money to put towards a 2011 CPU for a gaming machine, don't sell yourself short on graphics power or RAM. If you're budgeting yourself, there are better CPU's for the money out there.

AMD hasn't even been on my radar in a long... LONG time. The last chip I bought is the one I'm still running now, a 920 [email protected] on air stock voltage. It's still a complete beast. I've been into computers since the P66 hit which was also my first OC running it at 75... I'm not that into hardware anymore, I just pay attention when it's time to upgrade, but outside of that it isn't something I really pay attention to anymore, but I will say that I haven't even ran an AMD since the TBird came out just to put things in perspective. I only run on air (water and the rest is too much hassle) and for that (sans Prescott) Intel has always been great.

If this whole thing is about high end gaming then um... I don't really see how it matters which CPU you are running as the last game I played that even slightly made my CPU sweat (using more than 50% of it) was GTA4. Outside of that my CPU is practically asleep (minus loading).

I dunno I've never been an AMD fan really... First one I ran was a 166 after my Cyrix blew up and after that it was the T-Bird, so I guess all of 2 total. I have fonder memories of the 66@75, 166MMX@233, PPRO200's, Celeron 300a@450 (I think that's right), [email protected], and my current 920. :pardon: I had friend running T-Birds and what not crazy fast, but they were all running fridges.

Games as of right now are very CPU heavy. As newer game engines take advantage of newer,stronger CPU's for raw calculation and physics computing, older CPU's become weaker. It is mostly true than pretty much any quad-core chip at this point is fine for gaming. If you're running 1920x1080 or higher or have a low- or mid-range GPU, you're going to be limited by your graphics card. But if you've got a high-end card (Radeon 69xx series, Nvidia 560+) and you have an older dual-core or weaker CPU, you're bottle-necking your system. A computer has to be balanced for the intended use. No point in putting in 16+ GB of RAM and a 6-core i7-3960K if you've got a single GTX 460 and you're running Battlefield 3 at 1080p. Get more graphics powah!

EDIT: blah too many words mixed up CPU models

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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Games as of right now are very CPU heavy. As newer game engines take advantage of newer,stronger CPU's for raw calculation and physics computing, older CPU's become weaker. It is mostly true than pretty much any quad-core chip at this point is fine for gaming. If you're running 1920x1080 or higher or have a low- or mid-range GPU, you're going to be limited by your graphics card. But if you've got a high-end card (Radeon 69xx series, Nvidia 560+) and you have an older dual-core or weaker CPU, you're bottle-necking your system. A computer has to be balanced for the intended use. No point in putting in + GB of RAM and a 6-core i7-2600K if you've got a single GTX 460 and you're running Battlefield 3 at 1080p. Get more graphics powah!

Not any of the ones I play at least not to the point that puts any real stress on my CPU. I listed the exception and that's GTA. If you meant WoW then I wouldn't know, I quit playing after the last xpack. I run a 570, but used to run a 260. When BF3 hit it was time to upgrade.

If at first you do not succeed, you are doing it wrong! -ARS
Check out my walled TBSS build over here
4 Fi Team 18s on 2 Cactus K9
DS18 doors on 2 MBQ 1Ks, Vifa pillars on a STL4.500
Pioneer X8500
6 XS Power D7500, 1 3400S
Second Skin
2 270a Mechman Alts

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