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Ok so i want to get a bike badly and can afford the payments on a 2012 gsx-600r but the insurance is insane its 4000+ a year and for a honda crb or yyamaha R6 its 3000+ a year the only street bike thats afforable insurance wise through nationwide is a ninja 650. What are everyones opinions or the ninja. Also do you think someone has better/cheaper motorcycle insurance?



Johns.jpgSuburban Coming Soon

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I had progressive.. i want to say it was less then $300 for a year... I had a ninja 650. And if this is your first bike dont get a 600 you will die probably

Thats horseshit. Dont spread those lies. I know many people, myself included who started on bigger bikes and are fine.

OP in florida we arent required to have insurance, i do know rates very place to place state to state. The MSF and BRC should def. lower the rate of any quote you recieve, i dont know what agent you spoke to but they dont sound very educated on the matter. Also on an R bike your rate will be higher, and the bigger the engine the bigger the rate. Just browse, what one brand insurance is good for someone isnt so great for the next

Everythings in the attic or garage since the truck was sold last year. New build should be coming soon in a dodge cummins smile.gif

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I'm one of those "start small and work your way up" kind of guys. I say start on a 250 so you can really learn on it then move up after you feel comfortable, but I'm not going to continue that argument here. And for a first bike, take the MSF and buy a used bike. You're going to drop it and dropping a brand new bike will suck a lot more than a used starter bike. Spend the money on quality gear also.

Don't be this guy:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm one of those "start small and work your way up" kind of guys. I say start on a 230 so you can really learn on it then move up after you feel comfortable, but I'm not going to continue that argument here. And for a first bike, take the MSF and buy a used bike. You're going to drop it and dropping a brand new bike will suck a lot more than a used starter bike. Spend the money on quality gear also.

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