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So the flip-flop kid strikes again.....

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i dont have anything to add to this subject yet but can we keep the threats to a minimum !! this is a good subject for debate and i like debate ... not fighting and threatening THANKS ALL !!

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Purp^ you only went on and on about gay men... if you hate or cant stand gayness that much, it should apply across the board, you are a hypocrtie if it doesnt apply to chicks as well. You above two paragraphs are the most ignorant thing I have ever read on this site. It shows how narrow minded you are, and a true redneck. I used to think you were cool, but seriously I just lost all respect for you. If two dudes or two chicks want to be together, why should it matter to you, it isnt gonna turn you gay, and as long as a homosexual respects the fact that you are straight, you could at least have the common courtesy to do the same... As long as it doesnt hurt you or infringe on your pursuit of life liberty and happyness, you shouldnt give a fuck if Bob and Tim are knockin boots. Based On what you wrote above, Ill garauntee you use the N word in regards to black people too... You just an ignorant gravy sweating cousin fucker aren't you. Bring your door panel up here to that upholstery shop, and on your way home stop by my place so I can kick you in the nuts you ignorant hick.

BTW I'm staright as an arrow, married, 2 kids, aaaaaaaaaand me and wifey share a girlfriend.. so that makes my wife part gay, so you just bashed on my wife indirectly...last dude that talked shit about my wife got a vacation in the hospital, and I got a big lawyer bill to stay out of jail.

Well that seemed oddly aggressive and directed. Let's calm it down folks.

Personally I have no clue as to why people are attracted to members of the same gender but it's really not my issue nor do I think it has anything to do with the idea of marriage itself. Although many religious groups have taken the idea of marriage, built their own ceremonies and ideals around it, and therefore made it their own I don't feel as though marriage is a purely religious act. Governments and entities across the globe have tied certain benefits to marriage including things like tax breaks, hospital visitation rights, and next-of-kin relationships. If you're going to allow heterosexual couples these rights then there is no reason to prevent homosexual couples these same opportunities based on their sexual preference. In terms of a purely political standpoint (take religion out of it because church and state ought to quit mingling their shit) there's no valid reason to restrict certain individuals or couples from obtaining these benefits simply due to the fact that they have, what you refer to as, a "mental disorder". They're no less human and no less American.

Now, to the religious part. From what I'm gathering from your point of view, religions should be able to choose who they marry in their churches/mosques/temples/etc. based on their religion. And I can respect that. Being a religious institution gives them these rights. I'm a confirmed Christian, though I only did it because my parents raised me as such and once I was old enough to form my own opinion I came to the conclusion that I'm an atheist. Now, because of the fact that I'm confirmed Christian I can go get married in a church regardless of my current religious standpoint. I've never met a single person who has been offended by a pair of heterosexual atheists marrying each other and according to Christianity being atheist is on the same level as homosexuality. So where do religious groups draw the line? And why many religious people judging and validating couples based on sexual preference instead of religious belief? It makes no sense to me.

Not every gay many wants to hold you down, kiss you sensually, and ride your dick. People need to get over their homophobia.

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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I am 100% FOR the LGBT community! We are all on this earth to be happy ! if you want to be with a same sex partner and it makes you happy then so be-it ! If they say being LGBT is a mental disorder then all they are saying is that your want to be happy is a mental disorder. How can that be the case, is that saying that anyone who wants to be happy has a mental disorder? well let me tell you i have been on that band wagon for a long time because all i want to do is be happy!

I am for LGBT marriage, do i think it should be a marriage in a church ? YES ... but do i think any church can have the right to deny a marriage in a church sure that is their belief, i know of a couple churches where some of the staff is gay and they are ok with it. Some churches are some are not that's their choice, and like what was stated if you want to go to a court house and be married go ahead i see nothing wrong with it!

Their are so many states against LGBT marriage and the one that stands out the most to me is North Carolina. Does anyone else see a problem with their law? You can marry your cousin ... you just cant marry your gay cousin, how is that correct? and im sure their are other states just like that.

purp in your post you were very heavy on male homosexuality but not once did you mention female sexuality ? this drew up a flag for me and im curious? im sure being that you are an adult and you have 18+ access you look at pornography .... do you ever watch porn that MMF ? or MFF or how about FF ? im sure you have we all have ! you would find this picture disgusting


but im sure most of the males reading this thread would find this picture pleasant to look at ?


If you are so against the LGBT community you would find both of these pictures disturbing, disgusting, wrong, and that all four of these individuals have a mental disorder. Do you?

Last thing is why is it so wrong that Obama has changed his mind ? have you ever done that ? have you ever viewed something or had an opinion and then was informed about the subject and changed your opinion? Lets look at car audio ... most of us thought one brand was the best brand their could be ... then they found out about all these other brands and realized that what they first thought was wrong and it was actually terrible ... Humans can change their mind, that is what makes us human. if Obama NEVER changed his mind then that would throw up a red flag to me. i would think that Obama was a close minded person who could never change... that would make for a terrible person!


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In other news, gas prices dropped 9 cents over night here!

Shit I know man! Still hovering around $4 a gallon where I'm at. I know it's higher in some places and lower in others but I think we're about average.

wtf is lolcats?

I'd def get a fat hooker if i had to resort to that kinda thing. I feel like they'd be grateful and work harder. Also its more bang for my buck, more real estate for my dollar if you catch my drift. its like the Costco of streetwalkers.

I was hoping for 150 :(.

I was hoping she would let me put it in her butt

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Purp^ you only went on and on about gay men... if you hate or cant stand gayness that much, it should apply across the board, you are a hypocrtie if it doesnt apply to chicks as well. You above two paragraphs are the most ignorant thing I have ever read on this site. It shows how narrow minded you are, and a true redneck. I used to think you were cool, but seriously I just lost all respect for you. If two dudes or two chicks want to be together, why should it matter to you, it isnt gonna turn you gay, and as long as a homosexual respects the fact that you are straight, you could at least have the common courtesy to do the same... As long as it doesnt hurt you or infringe on your pursuit of life liberty and happyness, you shouldnt give a fuck if Bob and Tim are knockin boots. Based On what you wrote above, Ill garauntee you use the N word in regards to black people too... You just an ignorant gravy sweating cousin fucker aren't you. Bring your door panel up here to that upholstery shop, and on your way home stop by my place so I can kick you in the nuts you ignorant hick.

BTW I'm staright as an arrow, married, 2 kids, aaaaaaaaaand me and wifey share a girlfriend.. so that makes my wife part gay, so you just bashed on my wife indirectly...last dude that talked shit about my wife got a vacation in the hospital, and I got a big lawyer bill to stay out of jail.

Dude, you are way out of line. You can't just assume someone uses the N word and then proceed to call them a redneck or a hick.That makes you the hypocrite.....and what is with the violent threats? You should seek help for those anger issues.

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