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i'd rather see everyone dipping instead of bein put in an uncomfortable environment with smoke. no offense to you smokers...but a lot of em dont care about those around em. like smoking in public, going through a drive thru at a restaurant, people smoking around you knowing that you dont, etc. some people have quit, then they say they realize how bad it smells from others and wonder how they smoked in the first place. my friends fiance is pregnant and smokes. we ate out at a restaurant, only one of the 4 of us out that smoked and us 3 NON SMOKERS sat in a smoking section so SHE could smoke. if they werent already sitting then we wouldnt have been in that section...but still you know. dipping...while still bad for you...isnt MORE harmful to those around you like second hand smoke. so i'm all thumbs up about you quitting. dip/gum or none. :)



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No offense meant, but I just don't see using a substitute habit to quit one. When I quit, I used a similar principle, but something not so addictive. I bought a bunch of the beef jerky "snuff". I did that because I could "dip" it like snuff, but no nicotine and not addictive so I would be able to get rid of the nicotine from the smoke and no new addiction formed. I chewed some gum and what not, but to me, gum triggered my mind to think, "I just ate, so I should be smoking now." I also only "dipped" the jerky when I was really wanting to smoke. Now, it was my wife and I so the number is more, but I still put $70 per week into a money market account. We use it for vacations, cars, etc.

Also, for me, another very helpful part was martial arts. I had been into martial arts since I was 5, but while in high school I let it go and started getting high and that ended up w/ regular smoking as well. I quit the drugs eventually, then gave up drinking (by seriously 2 weeks before my 21st birthday) and the only thing left was the cigs. I got back into martial arts and started working out again (little bit of strength training, a lot more cardio than anything). Believe me, there is no better way to not want a cigarette than to work really hard. I have since added a few more credentials to my martial arts list, I have saved a lot of $ and I am a lot better off than I would have been as far as I can tell. Compared to when I smoked, I almost never get sick. No constant hacky smokers cough either.

What you are doing is unlike anything that I can think of. Only someone who has quit smoking can ever understand what it is like. I have tried to explain to people who never have smoked and it is impossible for them to understand what it takes to do it. Please know that you can do it and that while it is not always easy, it can be done. Every day that passes is one more step toward easier days. Don't get discouraged when you have those moments of craving. Fight through them. Rest assured, if you work yourself out like crazy, the craving will die. As time passes, you will have less and less cravings. For me, it was not until about 3 months of not smoking before I really felt like I was going to be successful, but indeed I was. At six months though, no problem, I knew that I would never return to being a smoker.

I wish you the best of luck. You will be very glad that you made this decision if you stick to it.

kudos to you man btw ;)



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$2 cans of grizzly straight helped me quit haha, now I dip, I personally think its better than smoking because its not tearing your lungs up, now I gotta stop dipping =\

Whats up with yall ohio people using Dip or chew? Im from indianapolis, indiana and i moved to ohio in 2005 and i have seen way too many people with that crap in they mouths. Its a bad nasty habit and you can still get mouth cancer. Its got fiberglass in it man. Dont u know that stuff cutts into your lip and thats were the nicotine gets into ur bloodstream?




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Whats up with yall ohio people using Dip or chew? Im from indianapolis, indiana and i moved to ohio in 2005 and i have seen way too many people with that crap in they mouths. Its a bad nasty habit and you can still get mouth cancer. Its got fiberglass in it man. Dont u know that stuff cutts into your lip and thats were the nicotine gets into ur bloodstream?

i personally dont see it any better than smoking. both have big drawbacks. didnt know it cut into your lip and all that either. i'm just glad it doesnt affect me when i am around someone with dip :) i can deal with them spitting in a can



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Whats up with yall ohio people using Dip or chew? Im from indianapolis, indiana and i moved to ohio in 2005 and i have seen way too many people with that crap in they mouths. Its a bad nasty habit and you can still get mouth cancer. Its got fiberglass in it man. Dont u know that stuff cutts into your lip and thats were the nicotine gets into ur bloodstream?

We know we know. That's why it's called a vice, and/or a habit. Don't preach at people like that just because you don't dip. I've gone thru stages of dipping/smoking/both (sometimes at the same time) and thankfully I haven't gotten seriously addicted.

But like someone said above, start tryin to get in shape, that's what finally got me off smoking completely. Now the only cigs I have are when I'm hammered drunk and don't know better :blink:

A couple links to some box builds:

Tahoe Box 1, Tahoe Box 2, Nissan Titan, VW GTI,

Mini-Bump, Hummer H2, Ford F-150

My own car builds (current setup --- under construction):

Overall Thread, Kickpods, Dash, Back Doors

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I've been smoking since I was 14, I'm fixing to turn 39. I have tried to quit far too many times, and have failed miserably at each attempt. Guess I just don't have the will power to do it or something.

I was able to quit drinking and using drugs (marijuana, coke, speed, etc...) without any problems, but I just can't shake the cig habit. My last attempt lasted for 3 days. That attempt just happened to start on the 1st of this year. After 3 days, I couldn't stand the feeling of being lightheaded (more than usual), and the cravings didn't seem to be getting better. Right now I'm back to doing a half a pack a day.

I've really got to quit. I have been noticing the effects it is having on me and people around me. Hell, I don't like the taste, the smell, or anything about it, and don't understand why I'm still doing it.

Quiting is very hard for some people to do. People that don't smoke think it's simple, but it definitely isn't. Most people need something to replace the cigarettes with. Not just for the nicotine, but also the act of smoking a cigarette.

I may try the beef jerky tip mentioned above. Sounds like it may help. I've tried the gum, made me want to smoke more. I've tried hypnotism, didn't work. I've tried candy (lemonheads are awesome) but that didn't work either. Maybe the beef jerky will.

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that awesome bro. good luck. i hate smoking and like 75% of my friends smoke.

NoFearX18 said:

Nick will bang just about anything.....LMAO....pun intended

On 4/13/2010 at 9:51 AM, meade916 said:

i was like DAMN, Chode is hardcore! he makes james look like a friendly person LOL!

trainman0978 said:

I dont know who is worse with the buttholes Chode or Big P...





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If you really need help and want to do it for real..Go to your doctor and get put on Wellbutrin. It is very good for quitting smoking. My wife used it and she stopped smoking. I quit dipping and chewing on my own. No meds. I was Satan himself for about 2 months..Wife just about booted me. But I don't do it anymore...Although I still get urges, but if I try to do it, I get sick...Real sick...so i just don't do it anymore. I used to dip a can of Copanhagen(Spelling) and my favorite was Timberwolf...Ummm,,but no more...Get on Welbutrin and kick that habit son..

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