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question of worth

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Simply put, I am not a computer person by any means but I like efficient, good working, and sexy equipment. That being said, I am looking to replace my current Mac for something better suited for my needs. I don't game, but do all my video editing, rendering, production, and photography on this computer.

How does this unit look and is it worth the cost?


It does not come with a monitor, and I'd like something to match the sexy white if anyone has suggestions?

Or if you would suggest a different route I'm ears.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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not bad..

but tell him if he can ditch the sandy bridge for an ivy bridge processor, ditch the shitty V8 cooler, and motherboard, and throw some faster ram in there.

some 1866mhz ram or 2133mhz ram should do nicely.

dont bother with the overclock either, it voids the intel warranty for the processor i do believe.

i do all sorts of video re-encoding for my ipads and for my hdtv set, the faster ram is golden for you.

also if its in the budget, throw in a nice SSD. something like the OCZ vector series. (128gb or 256gb).

just my .02

09 Civic EX


(2) SKAR Audio VVX-12

Skar Audio SK-1500.1

4 cu ft @32 (new box and more port soon)

Firing Forward not sealed off

Stock 80 Amp Alt

Big 3 In 1/0 Knu

2 Runs To The Back 1 Pos 1 Neg In 1/0 Knu

DD-1'd 13.8v drop

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That computer is definitely good as is, should do what you need fine. Of course there's always room for improvement, but that computer is definitely good for the price.

*New vehicle and system coming soon.*

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Sandy bridge is wanted if you plan to overclock very high. Ivy Bridge is wanted if you don't want to overclock at all or much at all. The V8 cooler is fine, it's not the best for the price, but it will work.

1996 GMC Sonoma
Four Fi BTL Neo 18's In 2:1 6th Order Bandpass
2 Ampere 5k's @ .5



On 10/20/2013 at 0:37 AM, KillaCam said:

Fucking with a Prius driver is like making fun of a disabled kid. Pussies.

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compared to the coolers out today, v8 is the thing of the past.

overclocking is pretty much a thing of the past if you get a quad core with hyperthreading.

nothing has even challenged my i7 2600k. unless i do 4 HD encodes at once with 30-50gb file outputs.

09 Civic EX


(2) SKAR Audio VVX-12

Skar Audio SK-1500.1

4 cu ft @32 (new box and more port soon)

Firing Forward not sealed off

Stock 80 Amp Alt

Big 3 In 1/0 Knu

2 Runs To The Back 1 Pos 1 Neg In 1/0 Knu

DD-1'd 13.8v drop

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i mean the unit you posted is fine, but i'd rather go with ivy bridge, faster ram and a better cooler.

im also not liking the motherboard, but thats just because im a gigabyte fan boy.

09 Civic EX


(2) SKAR Audio VVX-12

Skar Audio SK-1500.1

4 cu ft @32 (new box and more port soon)

Firing Forward not sealed off

Stock 80 Amp Alt

Big 3 In 1/0 Knu

2 Runs To The Back 1 Pos 1 Neg In 1/0 Knu

DD-1'd 13.8v drop

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Overclocking a thing of the past? That's laughable. In games such as WoW, SW:TOR, BF3, etc, I've experience a 20fps+ framerate increase as a result of overclocking. The computer is fine, quit nitpicking. No computer is perfect for everyone. Everyone has their own fanboyisms and bias' and taste.

1996 GMC Sonoma
Four Fi BTL Neo 18's In 2:1 6th Order Bandpass
2 Ampere 5k's @ .5



On 10/20/2013 at 0:37 AM, KillaCam said:

Fucking with a Prius driver is like making fun of a disabled kid. Pussies.

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overclocking isnt a thing of the past for my Q9550 machine, its running 4ghz on air.

but my i7 2600k? honestly, 2% cpu usage.

v-synced 60fps anywhere i went, and 30fps standing in the middle of org, on mal'ganis.

if i ever took v-sync off, it just ran into the hundreds of fps.

human eye stops noticing after 60fps, just so everyone knows.

im really not saying overclocking is laughable, but on i7 systems with 4 physical cores and 4 more hyperthreaded cores. shit really doesnt matter.

09 Civic EX


(2) SKAR Audio VVX-12

Skar Audio SK-1500.1

4 cu ft @32 (new box and more port soon)

Firing Forward not sealed off

Stock 80 Amp Alt

Big 3 In 1/0 Knu

2 Runs To The Back 1 Pos 1 Neg In 1/0 Knu

DD-1'd 13.8v drop

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I appreciate all the input. Right now I'm googling about 95% of the things typed here, lol.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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if you've had to google anything about overclocking then i suggest getting one thats not overclocked, because if something does go wrong, like cpu PLL being too low or high and you BSODing constantly because the OC is unstable.

advanced bios settings can be quite messy especially if you're confused on step one.

im not saying you're an idiot, and that you cant learn.

but its like setting the gain on $1400 worth of equipment with your ear and not being able to smell.

the only DD-1 is sending it to someone to fix it for you.

of course someones going to come in here and say overclocking is easy, blah blah, raise the CPU multiplier, etc.

that type of overclocking is the same logic as someone saying "i hacked your facebook LOLOL" and them actually not doing shit but getting on someones profile that forgot to log off.

i can go all day about FPS, and overclocking.

09 Civic EX


(2) SKAR Audio VVX-12

Skar Audio SK-1500.1

4 cu ft @32 (new box and more port soon)

Firing Forward not sealed off

Stock 80 Amp Alt

Big 3 In 1/0 Knu

2 Runs To The Back 1 Pos 1 Neg In 1/0 Knu

DD-1'd 13.8v drop

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