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where are my pwxs


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I have no credit i can find, does anyone know where to look on the site to find it? i think i have clicked every link.

They called me lol

1 returned call for the 3 times ive called..

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Here's what happened in Crescendo's words; LOL

Hey, lets start a preorder so we can get money to make some awesome builds and send them and all our employees to party at SBN. The public won't know we lied about the delivery date. We can blame it on the Chinese New Year. Then, when we get back, we can say the gear is here, but customs is being dicks about a little packaging issue. We'll send out emails to about 50% of the preorder people to make it sound like we're sorry, but we'll still be well in the green, profit bitches. The rest will just think they didn't get the email "by accident".

Fucking fags.

SMD Super Seller

My Feedback Thread

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how many poeple work there 3 or 4 lol

at crescendo HQ? probably 2-3

At the sweatshop in china? 30,000 children

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Here's what happened in Crescendo's words; LOL

Hey, lets start a preorder so we can get money to make some awesome builds and send them and all our employees to party at SBN. The public won't know we lied about the delivery date. We can blame it on the Chinese New Year. Then, when we get back, we can say the gear is here, but customs is being dicks about a little packaging issue. We'll send out emails to about 50% of the preorder people to make it sound like we're sorry, but we'll still be well in the green, profit bitches. The rest will just think they didn't get the email "by accident".

Fucking fags.

lol, That's how it feels.

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