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Arizona/Las Vegas Competition Thread


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I didn't see where the mic was, I just remember the judge saying you couldn't be in the vehicle anymore

LoL yeah he was kinda giving me crap saying I knew it would do a 60 and I shouldn't have been in the vehicle.

You heard me tell you had no idea and he wasn't listening.

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Yeah he thought you were up to something like you KNEW the thing would be over a 60. It's like its not like you blasted out 63 or something and CLEARLY knew you had a 60 coming. I mean, I'm sure you suspected she had a 60 in her, just not like trying to sneak one in like that. Dude was just doing his job though, and he stayed pretty cool about it.

On a side note, I almost bailed from it. Above 35 Hz is straight up painful and below that I felt like my kidneys were floating.

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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Get a demo from Real96SS. He can certainly fix that for you ;)

if you guys want to see a fellow member tap out, that would probably be me, haven't heard bass in a while and i wear ear plugs 12 hours straight at work

Alpine 9884

RF T2 comp set up front

The Epicenter

2x RF T10001bd

2x Sundown sa-15 t-line

Big 3

Smd DD-1

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