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Seattle $15 Minimum Wage

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He has some very valid opinions, but military receiving a handout for their service is far off the mark.

Tell me...does this smell like chloroform to you?

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While i agree $15 an hr seems a little extreme. Their should be a minimum wage for each state determined by a cost of living ratio. Think of how many Ceo's and athletes are overpaid, and yet their are those killing them selves just to feed their family. I think this gap will most likely never be fair or get resolved.

As far as kingsuv mentioning their always programs to help the homeless to get them on their feet, that couldn't be farther from the truth. Maybe in your state that may be true, but can not be said for all states. Here we had a homeless veteran who we tried for over a year to get him help, with no luck. So for about a year and a half a group of us and helped to keep this man in a apartment and various other expenses with no help from the gov except $185 food card a month. We eventualy found a family member who had been searching for him and was glad to take him in.

Their was actually a news story here a few years back, discussing the system here and how it was biased and unfair to all races and genders. Many programs for minorities and single woman, yet their where no programs or benefits afforded to the single male.

Conclusion, shit just isn't fair and probably never will be.

That is what the red cross is for, NOT our Government!!!! The government is here to protect the ground we live on.If government would keep out of public affairs we would not be in this situation. Pro athletes overpaid boo hoo actors overpaid boo hoo!!!! Go train and like Jordan said Do IT thats what freedom is. The government is to involved with our personal lives do you really care what NBA team obama likes? I dont, and furthermore he shouldnt have the time to even think of basketball.. Years ago Salvation Army, insert church name here, red cross etc were formed to help the needy. Sorry about the homeless veteran though i kinda got off on a tangent...sorry

No problem man. And my post probably didn't come off right either.

The main point i was trying to make is, their will always be those people who abuse the system and their will always be some who really need assistance, yet do not get it.


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I joined the Marine Corps

Gets a handout from the government, and is angry at others who get handouts from the government.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you used the opportunity to better yourself, and maintaining a Navy is certainly a constitutional duty of our government, but you essentially were relying on the rest of us producers to pay your way if you were collecting ANY sort of check, benefits, or training/education from the government.

You're welcome.

Bubba, anyone that thinks the military gets a handout is welcome to lace up your boots and come over the hill with us. I'm a fairly articulate fellow, and I don't know what words adequately describe how far up your butt your head resides.

And responding to hispls's other comments, people joing the military for a variety of reasons. Not being able to make it in the private sector isn't typically one of them. People that can't make it in the world usually bitch and whine about not being able to get a decent job till some asshat scumbag politician waves his magic wand and legislated a $15/hour minimum wage so he can earn a living flipping burgers and collecting welfare.

I wonder how mouthy you'd be about the military is confronted by some of the people you're passing judgement upon.

My brother for one joined the Air Force because he couldn't get into a job in his degree in the private sector. I was talking to a girl yesterday whose whole family was full of men who joined to just GTFO of an impoverished area. Much more common than you think.

If you're that upset about my feelings about government employees, you might want to take a look at that. My position is simply proven by the fact that if EVERYBODY enlisted in the military, who would be paying the tab? Like it or lump it, it's a net drain on our economy, and it's most undoubtedly a leg up provided by the government.

I did mention that maintaining a navy is a duty of our government and necessary to national security. I think you people are reading a lot more into my statement than intended.

Bro your head is stuck so far up your ass it's going to take the jaws of life to remove it.....

The "goods and services" the military provides mean everything to your way of life. Suppose we didn't have a military... North Korea or something could waltz right in and there'd be nothing you could do about it. But yet..... There are people out there both giving their lives and fighting to protect you and your bogus statement.

It's truly amazing the level of selfishness and arrogance some people posses...

You really think North Korea (or anybody) could invade this country? Not a chance in hell. Our founders provided for a "well regulated militia" to guard against not only that, but tyranny from within. I assure you the combined armies of all the other nations on Earth could not occupy and hold the United States. As a people we are entirely too well armed.

Funny how someone has been fighting "for my freedom" for the last hundred years constantly and by my estimation we have far less freedom than folks did even when my dad was a boy. If they're fighting for "freedom" they've failed most catastrophically.

this guy should slap himself.. how can he say N8 gets handouts.. being in the military is a job and gets paid for it.. a few bucks for risking his life for your freedom is not enough. N8 and any person who served and is serving deserves your respect.. they had/have the balls to do what you didnt.. so do LEO's get handouts? no they get paid to do their job just because its paid for by the government doesnt mean it a handout.. as far as i know N8 works for a living and provides for his family without the governments help. so how is that a handout? handout is when you get something for nothing.. just like getting paid $15 to flip burgers or working as a cashier at walmart

If I were more free today than I was 20 years ago I'd thank you all for fighting for my "freedom". I said that ANYBODY that's collecting a check from the government is a drain on society. The WalMart cashier and fry guy at McDonalds are paying taxes that pay all these public servants.

I joined the Marine Corps

Gets a handout from the government, and is angry at others who get handouts from the government.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy you used the opportunity to better yourself, and maintaining a Navy is certainly a constitutional duty of our government, but you essentially were relying on the rest of us producers to pay your way if you were collecting ANY sort of check, benefits, or training/education from the government.

You're welcome.

Bubba, anyone that thinks the military gets a handout is welcome to lace up your boots and come over the hill with us. I'm a fairly articulate fellow, and I don't know what words adequately describe how far up your butt your head resides.

And responding to hispls's other comments, people joing the military for a variety of reasons. Not being able to make it in the private sector isn't typically one of them. People that can't make it in the world usually bitch and whine about not being able to get a decent job till some asshat scumbag politician waves his magic wand and legislated a $15/hour minimum wage so he can earn a living flipping burgers and collecting welfare.

I wonder how mouthy you'd be about the military is confronted by some of the people you're passing judgement upon.

Im almost certain this guy is young and sheltered, just regurgitating what some ultra liberal teacher(s) impressed upon him. No one with real world experience could be so naieve.

I'm 40 years old and been around the block. How much history and economics have you studied? When is the last time you've read the Constitution?

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Actually hes not young at all.

Regardless of age, or where he got this crap from, he's ignorant. It is the greatest disappointment of my life that the freedoms I protected with my service are used to call me and my fellow vets stupid, or compare us to welfare recipients. A simple thank you and shutting the Hell up would be plenty.

A member of my family (at least one) has fought in every war this country has known in its relatively short history. I can tell you that they did it out of patriotism and a sense of obligation to protect their fellow countryman, not because they couldn't do anything else.

What freedom did you protect? I'm really tired of that line. Show me one way I'm more free or even as free as I was 20 years ago and I'll send you a special thanks for your effort in giving me so much freedom.

I have plenty of friends and family that are and were in the military as well. If you truly have a "sense of patriotism" why not read the Constitution, reflect on the oath you took to protect it, and ask yourself why it is being eroded on every front. If someone were actually fighting to RESTORE the constitution as the supreme law of the land, I'd be the first guy in line with my rifle. If you guys were protecting our borders from invasion I'd be right behind you, but the shit that our military has been involved in in my lifetime (and a bit farther back) has little to do with you or I being free, or the best interest of the American people.

He has some very valid opinions, but military receiving a handout for their service is far off the mark.

You people all missed the point entirely. I'd be happy to discuss this, but I don't think anybody really read what I said (or read a bit much into what I said) and is too busy waving their Chinese made American flag thinking they're patriotic for blindly being cheerleaders for anything related to the military to step back and look at the larger picture objectively to have a rational discussion.

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12% is for defense (military) 7% is for international security programs and assistance. For a combined 19%. However this year Obama has cut the defense budget to 9%. Considering all the other programs welfare and such, we spend very little on our defense budget compared to some other countries. Such as china,n korea and russia.


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You people all missed the point entirely. I'd be happy to discuss this, but I don't think anybody really read what I said (or read a bit much into what I said) and is too busy waving their Chinese made American flag thinking they're patriotic for blindly being cheerleaders for anything related to the military to step back and look at the larger picture objectively to have a rational discussion.

You said, in response to someone joining the Marines, that they were receiving a government handout. What am I misunderstanding, and how should I be anything but insulted at that analogy?

Let's just straighten this out; I didn't join the National Guard to go on holiday to sunny Iraq on taxpayer's money. I didn't join for college money either (long story, worked 65 hours a week and paid my own way.) I joined because I felt a duty to my country.

I subsequently got out because I wasn't overly enthusiastic with the manner in which I and my soldiers were utilized. I served, I walked a mile in those boots, and I made a conscious decision to tap out a after six years with an honorable discharge and a fistful of awards for meritorious service. I didn't get any handout; I EARNED every inch.

You'll have to admit, unless you'd care to enlighten us about YOUR military service, it sounds awefully hypocritical to bad mouth service members from the safety and anonymity you presently enjoy. If you have a gripe with the government, have it, but none of us asked to be sent anywhere, and for the pittance we were compensated we took a job few people want.

2015 Toyota Tacoma Build Thread

2007 Mazda 3; 5000K HID's, Kenwood Excelon KDC-X997, Infinity Reference 6.5 comps in front and coaxials in the rear doors, JL 320.4 four channel, Rab Designs built ported enclosure with an SA12, Kenwood monoblock, Redline Leater shift boot/e-brake boot/center console cover, JBR short shifter/shifter bushings/rear motor mount.

Build Thread


1996 Mazda Miata: Kenwood Excelon HU, Alpine speaker in the doors, Clearwater (miata specific) headrest speakers. 


1994 Mazda Protege: Kenwood Excelon HU, Infinity Reference 2 ways all around, 2x RF Punch 10's in ported boxes. 

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Agreed with above.

And the guy who is complaining about these so called military handouts, well we all have met people like him before. And the majority of time, those are the individuals who couldn't even get in the military. Let alone live the the life of a soldier.


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On one hand I essentially get what hispls was saying, but it came off completely ignorant, naive, and flat out offensive.

It offended me and I've never even been involved in the military... So I can only imagine how it came off to those who have.

And for your "blindly cheerlead anything military"... Sorry but no

I support the troops, NOT the agenda. Know the difference!

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On one hand I essentially get what hispls was saying, but it came off completely ignorant, naive, and flat out offensive.

It offended me and I've never even been involved in the military... So I can only imagine how it came off to those who have.

And for your "blindly cheerlead anything military"... Sorry but no

I support the troops, NOT the agenda. Know the difference!

That last statement sums up my feelings. The present political agenda and administration infuriates me, but I'll never make the mistake of misdirecting that anger towards a serviceman.

2015 Toyota Tacoma Build Thread

2007 Mazda 3; 5000K HID's, Kenwood Excelon KDC-X997, Infinity Reference 6.5 comps in front and coaxials in the rear doors, JL 320.4 four channel, Rab Designs built ported enclosure with an SA12, Kenwood monoblock, Redline Leater shift boot/e-brake boot/center console cover, JBR short shifter/shifter bushings/rear motor mount.

Build Thread


1996 Mazda Miata: Kenwood Excelon HU, Alpine speaker in the doors, Clearwater (miata specific) headrest speakers. 


1994 Mazda Protege: Kenwood Excelon HU, Infinity Reference 2 ways all around, 2x RF Punch 10's in ported boxes. 

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