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80prs auto eq and what it does partially solved

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Alright so I got some data for you. All of this is at Volume 45/62. This is with a Fluke RMS DMM attached to the RCA outs. No highpass/lowpass. Balance in the middle. I left the TA on but it shouldn't matter much. Used the middle output in Network Mode. Left and Right shows what the Auto EQ did to each channel voltage wise, and flat is with the Auto EQ Off on one of the channels. (I think I used right, should be about the same either way)


We see here, that it does NOT EQ the left and right channel separately. Interesting. I thought that maybe if I did the process again with the position/mic set to passenger side it might adjust that side as well but there is no mention of it in the manual. I am assuming it just flip flops the settings.

Below that I tested all the notches on the EQ for 500hz and listed the voltage just to get an idea of how much of a difference each notch was making

Further below that is the EQ Curve based on voltage that the Auto EQ set. I went through every band/tone and dialed in the EQ as close as I could get it to the matching Auto EQ Voltages. Note I said as close as I could get it. Either the Auto EQ is more precise or it simply has different notches that it is dealing with than what the EQ menu has. Most of the time deviation was around .03-.05v but on one or two of the bands it was as much as .1v I would pick the notch that was closest to the Auto EQ in these cases but that seems like it isn't really all that close.

What I found interesting about this part is that it is doing mostly boosting instead of cutting. You could shift everything down and come up with an EQ setting that is all cuts and no boosting if you wanted to. I actually did this and I have one as custom 1 and one as custom 2. I still have to take some more measurements/calculations to determine if this would truly be the same. It seems like it would not be because the eq notches do not cut/boost in equal percentages. Didn't get to try them each out very much either because....

At this point it started looking like it was going to rain outside so I had to quit. But here is the next step. I will use my spl meter to test output at each frequency. This should tell us about what type of EQ curve the Auto EQ is aiming for.

Why all of this you ask? Because every time the Auto EQ comes up its just a bunch of guessing. Some people say it works well, some people say it doesn't. No one knows what it is aiming for. No one knows what it is truly doing because you can't just look. You have it run the tests and you get on and off. I was curious.

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I was just about to create a thread on this lol. I was going to ask if there was someway to find out what frequencies are boosted and cut when using the auto eq feature. I have my mids tuned to -5 with volume 62/62 but i am scared to use the auto eq feature although it sounds way better than with it on. I have no idea what frequencies are boosted or cut. unless there is some way to get to an graphics equalizer of the auto eq that i dont know about

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the voices and little details in the songs i play are much more prominent with auto eq on and it sounds excellent, but im guessing it is boosting stuff because it is harder to hear those frequencies with it off. i would hate to blow my speaker because of this feature so i will just leave it off unless there is some kind of way to find out if i am clipping my speakers at max volume with auto eq on.

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Interesting results. I usually just leave my eq flat but i will try to do some cutting (since boosting is usually not a good idea) tomorrow and see if i get a better sound. I only had my prs for a week or two now still trying to find that sound. I don't think i will ever be happy though lol so much adjusting. Haven't got around to the auto eq yet i might give it a shot just to see what it can do.

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