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Petras need info on these

Gilbert Garcia

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i have these petra speakers, got them from a friend almost 3 yrs ago never used them just sat on my tool box until now.

the sticker on the back says petras gw44

i was told recently these were fakes can anyone help w some info ?

if i could maybe use them in my truck maybe install them in my kick panels?



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They aren't fakes, I was a Petras dealer back in the 90's and the first shop I ever worked in (in the mid 80s) was a Petras dealer. The company was in Arlington, Texas and the products were outstanding for the day. He also OEM'ed for some other brands and he went out of business due to problems with collecting from one or two large clients, iirc.

Other than the surrounds falling apart, they should do very well for you!

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