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I work at Circuit City as a technology salesman (computers, digital cameras, ipods, etc.) and I am pretty much holding down the department in volume and attachments even being just part time. In order to pay for school however I have to go back to the plant to work during the summer. So I told my manager I need to drop down to one day a week coming up very shortly. Today in the store meeting he informed me he was moving me to the Roadshop as an installer. Should I take this job for full time during the summer or should I go to the plant. Not sure what a Circuit City installer makes ($13 i think?) vs my 9.50 an hr as a salesman vs 16 at the plant. Of course the plant is a very labor intensive job. I'm very torn as to what I should do . . .

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find out what he is going to pay you first. That is the fist and most important thing in this situation. If its not close to the plant, I say screw it if you can handle the long hot days of plant work for the extra cash stick with that.

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yeah i'd find out what you're gonna get paid first. if it's close...then i'd take it over the plant job. this way if you were to go to the plant and come back...you'd go back to your 9.50 job. this way you can keep the wage all the way through. i like consistency



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I'm at the sales job right now working a bit over 30 hrs a week. I can't keep this job because it won't give me the money I need to pay for college. If I go to the plant for the summer I would be a maintance job with a guaranteed 40 hrs a week + constant overtime options. I really need to find out what the installer job will pay because my whole point would be to try and pay for school. I will however keep a circuit city job one day a week on weekends so I can make my orders this summer :blink:

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if you went with the install route, you could possibly have fun everyday at work....and change the way ppl think about cc installers.....

cause for the most part arnt all that gr8

cc has my vote

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what if they tried messing with the amps when the subs werent louder :ehh: hahah jk :pardon:

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go for the most money....the important thing here is that you are paying for school...the more you earn during the off season, the more you have saved to handle tuition and the always rising cost of books...not to mention all the incidentals like having to get car repairs and whatnot. fun is fun, but the school/dough is a priority.

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