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Alright, first off, this is Brynne. I have a feeling that you probably wont read all this, but here it is. Your e-mail stated, "all I want to know is what in the world is your problem?" I am more than happy to tell you my problems. I would like to prefaces that in the past, I have told you my "problems" and you failed to listen or respect them. However, I will go over them once again for you and Dan (if he asked). You also stated, " We didn't do anything to you and if we did at least man up and tell us what?" I will do that as well in this e-mail for you. When you made the comment, "Is that so hard for you to do?", I would like to advise you, no, not at all. It is just the issue of me "manning up" that does not seem to sink in for you. As far as your "You can block me if you want but be a man, and say what your problem is, that is if you have one!". Here it goes: I sent that note quite sometime ago which asked for you not to forward any e-mails and here are my reasons why. In the past, I have asked that you stop "selling" your prescriptions drugs to people while Logan was there. You said that you would. Unfortunately, you did not. First, I do not want Logan to be in or around that type of environment. Secondly, as his grandmother, you should not want that for him either or for yourself for that matter. The way that you and Dan both speak is unacceptable for me and my son in regards to the people who live in your neighborhood (I am sure that may come easier not to use those words once you move to Florida). You made mention that would stop. It has not. I cannot not allow Logan to be around people who use that type of language to refer to people. People are just that, people. Treat people that way and maybe you would not be so negative at them or life. I did receive your voice-mail from Logan's birthday stating that, "You told me that you would never keep Logan from me." You would be correct that I did state that. I also followed that up with, as long as you don't over step the boundaries I have created for myself and my son. You continue to disregard my concerns. Your family, consisting of you, Dan, Butch and Michele, never truly cared about the welfare of my family or me. I am perfectly capable of safeguarding myself, however, Logan is not. To that end, the first Christmas that Logan was alive, Butch completely disrespected me and Logan. Speaking the way he did about him, flicking him off, that is uncalled for. You as a mother, should have stepped in to have a resolution or at least be a parent to Butch and you did not. I continued to lose respect (what little was left) for you. To continue on the issue of Butch, you continue to support him with all his wrong doings and I will not allow for Logan to see that. You have some sick twisted picture of him being this great person. I am sorry to tell you, he is not. He never will be. When someone says that to you, all you can say is that, "he is over there fighting for this country." OK, now we have another issue. He is not fighting for anything. He is in a "war" that should not be going on and you put him on a pedestal for that. You say that is is "fighting for our freedom". That he is not! He could be making it worse. I feel that I should give respect to the women that lost their lives so that I could vote. Where women were jailed for picketing the white house so they could vote. Where they lost their lives in jails to allow me almost 70 years later to go in and vote for a hopeful America. Those are the people that should be put on pedestals, not people like Butch, who have nothing and never will. People like Martin Luther King in 1964 who lead the march that stated that blacks and whites should be allowed to go to the same school to have the opportunity for education, those are the people I respect. The sad thing about all of this is that people like you and your "family" do not do anything with your lives, and you chose to downgrade the people who do. The black pharmacist that makes six figures did something with his life. He respected and worked hard to show appreciation for the people that lost their lives to allow him to make good money and raise a good family. Unlike yourself. And, Michelle is no better, she married for money and that will be really funny to see how that turns out. HA!! As far as your comment regarding Harley living off my money. That is totally incorrect. I don't expect you to understand, but, as trying to be a good mother, our family has made this decision to have Harley at home with Logan. He does not live off my money as you state, he is doing a full time job with raising Logan. Hopefully if Harley 's condition allows him to return to work after Logan is a little older (to be in school) then he will. See, I know that you will not understand this, but we don't have any hand outs. The government does not help us anyway. So the work that I do pays all of my bills. There is no church to pay my rent. No food stamps for my food. No assistance for day care, so smart thinking, I would rather our child be at home with his father who cares for him then spend more money for a day care provider. But, again, I do not expect you to understand the whole being a parent thing. Another reason that you are no longer going to be a part of Logan's life is the lying the cheating and the scamming. I don't understand why you and Dan do it. You continue to lie all the time. False accusations towards people, friends, family. You make up stories of what is going on in your life and expect everyone to drop everything for you. God forbid, when something difficult happens to one of your family members, you want to see proof. You cannot hold down a job or a place to live. You talk negatively of certain people, however, you are no better. You continued to scam workers' compensation and the government. You feel for some reason the world owes you. It does not, you owe it. You need to stand up and be an adult. Stop having other people (including myself) help pay for your rent, groceries and etc when you can do it on your own. You are truly a bottom feeder and that depresses me that I had to be associated with someone like you. I want Logan to know that he can work towards anything he wants. I don't want him to end up like you, Dan, Butch or Michelle. I would like to instill good hard working values into him so that he will be able to help the less fortunate (not people like you) who actually need it. People who do not take advantage of a system that is in place for people in need. You have not once asked to watch Logan on a specific time or date. We have always asked and sometimes, received way to much push back from you. I believe that if you wanted to be his grandmother, there would have been more proactive time on your side. Perfect examples, when we would ask if you guys could watch him, you were not sure if you would be able to, or Dan said that Harley should just take him with him to a car show. Correct me if I am wrong, Logan was a little to young for that. As a good mother, I look out for the welfare of my child and being at one of Harley's car shows at that age, would not be in his best interest (Pointer: that is what a mother does). The only time I felt you "asked" was when you needed leverage of some sort. Which brings me to my next issue. You seem to always have some hidden agenda and can never do anything out of the kindness of your heart. You always put people down and degrade them. I don't need that for me or for Logan. I have seen where you always feel you are better than everyone and that if someone tries to better themselves, you do nothing but put them down (of course this does not include Butch as he is not doing anything to better himself, so that is why you support his so much). My friends that make up my "family" have taken much more interest into Logan than you and Dan, his own grandparents. My friends proactively ask to see him, watch him, spend time with him and us. You never did. You had a car, not once did I see you come here until his birthday when you were specifically not invited. That does not work for me or my son. He is not a toy that is good for you when its convenient for you and only you. His birthday party is another issue. I have tried to create a peaceful environment for him which is why you were not invited. The shenanigans you pulled at his first birthday was not going to happen again. Also, I did not feel it fair in anyway to allow you with your nonsense to be there and not allow his other grandfather to be there. Bear. He actually cares for Logan as a part of a family and he was not comfortable, as I, with having the two of you together at the first one, so he kindly stepped back to allow you to be there. The next year after everything you continued to do, made my decision not to invite you much easier. You say that you guys are family and you and Dan use to talk so highly of it. Where was it with all this stuff with Dave. One day you adore him, the next he is a loser. I cant have a wavering type of family value for Logan. Family is family. Through thick and thin. None of this blood is thicker than water. You guys have no idea what family is about. I am sure I am missing many things, and I don't know if you will have the patience to read this whole email either. My conclusion to you and your relationship with Logan is over. You lost that privilege when you could not keep yourself together. I want to also let you know that you, and you alone are the only one that continues to push your "family" away. This is all your doing and no one else. I do not believe that you will understand that. You have an issue to actually take responsibility for your actions. The way your family is, does not show true to my feelings of a family. I do not want my son growing up thinking the things you do in "your" family, are the right things to do. I am sorry that things turned out this way, I am sure that it could have been different if you would have just, as you say, "manned" up. As a mother, grandmother and a decent human being.



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this thread is weird

REST IN PARADISE BIG RICH (Sqmonte) never forgotten

Why do you guys ALWAYS dispute on NUMBERS?????

It's such a played out argument, so fucking annoying....

It's 12 fuckin 15's.... It's louder than you... Shut the fuck up...



I'm so jealous, it makes me want to club baby seals. That shit gets down HARD!

dont buy from knowledge he will scam you.


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Cleft lip (cheiloschisis) and cleft palate (palatoschisis), which can also occur together as cleft lip and palate are variations of a type of clefting congenital deformity caused by abnormal facial development during gestation. This type of deformity is sometimes referred to as a cleft. A cleft is a sub-division in the body's natural structure, regularly formed before birth. A cleft lip or palate can be successfully treated with surgery soon after birth. Cleft lips or palates occur in somewhere between one in 600-800 births.
CliffsNotes (formerly Cliffs Notes, and often, incorrectly, CliffNotes) are a series of student study guides available primarily in the United States. The guides present and explain literary and other works in pamphlet form or online. Endorsers say the guides help readers understand complex works, while detractors say they let students avoid even reading them.
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i knew it was cliff notes.. and i think james does too... he just speaking internetz

i could be wrong though

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