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Nov 15 Toys For Tots And Dbdrag!


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The show was a good turnout. especially for being so close to finals and so early in the season. It's real nice to see drag tied into other shows. It's nice to be able to talk and give demos to more then the normal stereo crowd. I think more exposure will bring more competitors.

Designing, building, and shipping boxes. Yahoo IM - kingsuv00If the listening level is too loud, please inform the driver, so he can promptly pull over, and let you out.

not many cars can get me to pluggin my ears but this one.......damn. I mean the first minute is ok but that thing just really starts digging deeper and deeper in your earhole till you cant stand it no more. Seems like it does it with relative ease....16 12's on 8 amps.........gotta love it. :)

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