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Itunes Plus... 256 Kbps Aac Upgrade

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$100 challenge you say :D :D :D

Seriously though, unless you have a good system to use, most people won't hear a difference. On my systems there is a very slight almost tape like hiss on bad recorded material. I can also hear a bad production job on some newer CD's

It also depends on the content of the music. Cymbals for example are greatly affected by MP3 compression. Otherwise most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you are playing at very high volume levels with a nice system.

Edited by Kapetol T
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well 320 kbps is the highest a human ear can actually hear after that there is not noticeable difference. i know i can hear i big difference in sound quality. I have M-audio BX8a's speakers in my room. if you want to get crazy quality, the format is called FLAC (free lose audio codec) where it is the same quality as the cd was recorded on.


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Guest digitalboy

i left my ipod in the hoopty, i have no tunes in the hoe AT ALL (except XM and a changer which i dont even know what discs i have LOL).

i am "upgrading" my new E40 disc for $4.00 and burning it so i can get some beats....ill let u guys know if i can tell the difference.

i havent used a REAL cd in so long :D

What's CD? Sounds like an STD O.o

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ill take that $100 challenge lol.

128 is the lowest i would ever use.

i always rip my cds at 256 or better.

all that downloadin shit off of limewire or w/e else people use is terrible quality.

in our recording studio we have an extremely acoustically correct room, with amazing speakers driven off of amazing amplifiers, and we were listening to a few different cd's the other night looking for ideas and we came across a few (store bought) cd's that sounded like low bitrate mp3's. i was amazed that someone would put something like that out to sell.

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Trust me .25 Blows your Load.

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ya i suppose it would depend on a few things.

the system it was played on and the actual ORIGINAL recording from the artist. If its recorded like shit on a store bought CD then its gonna sound the same as on Ipod.

I went to lunch and listened to my new "upgraded" e40 cd and it dont sound any better to me.....ill have to listen side by side on the ipod when i get home.

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are you using the standared headphone jack or is it integrated into the system?

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