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Fiberglass Amp "rack"

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After taking some time thinking about where I want to amps, ive kept my mind on the sides of my rear seats. (2door car)

After observing for years, im finally trying my hand at doing some glassing. Now im not sure this is going to work out... ive done some looking and imagining in my mind on what im doing here, but ive kind of jumped into it. I figure if I screw it up especially this first time, ive gained experience and only lost some time and materials and the next attempt will be better. That being said, any constructive criticism is welcome.

Here is what ive got so far. Ive got the pannel out, coated nicely, and one layer of glass on. Seems to have set up nicely, and probably here in a bit I might try pulling it off and seeing if I feel I need another layer. I already have cut out a plate out of mdf to nicely fit under my DAT 2500.1

Here are some crappy cell pics of what ive got so far. Tomorrow ill have a real camera

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i would add a couple more layers to keep it rigid when you remove it. otherwise it might bend, then say you mount something on to it when it's bent, it wont fit back on the spot right. 2 more layers should do you right. maybe 3 depending on how many curves there are. you can always take it off to check, then if need be put it back on and add some. but from the pics it's lookin good so far man :)



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Thanks for the input expo

I went back and checked it later last night and I think my layup could have been better... I realize what I did wrong now but I got quite a few air bubbles... Anyways I didn't feel like trying to pull it last night but ill get right on that when I get home from track.

Anyways yea it does have quite a few curves, so I guess ill see how it feels when I pull it off if ill add layers or not. The amp will be over pretty much the entire thing, so im thinking if I glass in the supports for the amp plate well so that it would basically hold itself without the rest of the structure, it will keep the form from warping etc when I go to finish the rest of it up. I guess ill try it and find out.

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Slight update. I pulled it off today after cutting it off the board I accidentally glassed it to... and it actually seems quite rigid due to the curves. So I trimmed it up nicely to where I want it and further planned the mounting position for the amp. I think I got it about where I want it so I glassed a couple mounting points on. Tomorrow ill add a couple more for some extra strength, and hopefully stretch some fabric.

Here is where im at now

I have no clue how I managed these awkward angles, I guess the fumes were getting to me...

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and one with the DAT

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I like where this is going!

Do work son!

Designing, building, and shipping boxes. Yahoo IM - kingsuv00If the listening level is too loud, please inform the driver, so he can promptly pull over, and let you out.

not many cars can get me to pluggin my ears but this one.......damn. I mean the first minute is ok but that thing just really starts digging deeper and deeper in your earhole till you cant stand it no more. Seems like it does it with relative ease....16 12's on 8 amps.........gotta love it. :)

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Thanks. Seems to be going according to plans so hopefully it ends up where I want it.

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nice little update....

I threw it in the car real quick to see how it would fit. Seems about right. The only thing I worry about is if the knu 1/0 ill be using will be able to make the decently tight curve before the seat. I guess if it doesn't ill make some modifications to the seat :diablo:

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Looks like one of the goals I had has been met... I still have good visibility out of the side window from the drivers seat. Of course it will go down a little once I get the amp on etc, but it should still be pretty decent.

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Wrapped it up nicely.

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Got some resin on.... Shows the curves a little better. Seems like I was a little thin on some spots, not sure if I really was though.

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hopefully when I go out and check on it again in a little bit it will be nicely set up and I can put a layer of glass on it tonight. Feel free to give any opinions on how its going.

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thank you sir.

last night i got a layer of mat on it. went pretty well id say. i definitely feel like im getting the feel of glassing. depending on how much i hate finishing the filler etc up i see a lot of glass in my future.

i did find one ripple on the top after the resin dried. i guess the weight brought it down enough to get some extra material. it isnt that bad so hopefully it wont be a big deal to correct.

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