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Sundown Audio

When Calling us at Sundown...

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I don't want to anger you with this post, and thought best not to post, walked away from it but came back 3x to it.

My comment is not bashing you or your company in anyway, so do not take it that way... take it as constructive criticism.

From my experience in the world of 12v, which is pretty long as I hate to do anything more than a year... hence the 10 ex wives and 50 kids, but I have done this for almost 15 years professionally and a few more years just messing around...

When i see companies not taking phone calls, it leads me to imagine financial troubles, hence Phoenix Gold, Audiobahn, Eclipse, PPI, Orion... Now this might not be the case with your situation, and I hope not... as I want everyone to see their dream and exceed at it.


It is an internet based company and that is the way it is, no phone contact info listed on the site, which clearly states this is an internet based company.

Now you having dealers, does the same apply to them?

I seen this when Elemental Designs started out, and everyone jumped on the band wagon for them (shops included), ending with a shop or client holding an empty wallet and a boat anchor.

Today's economy you can find someone (multiple) working minimal wage with no benefits (part-time like walmart) to answer phones.

These are you customers, the bread and butter of your operation, I just don't understand how you can ask your clients or perspective clients not to call, and wonder if you think/know that it might be counter productive to your growth? or maybe you are at your limits in manufacturing now... which would be better to say then don't call as not be a dis service to your clients.

I guess I am just baffled, as I do everything possible to get that phone call, no matter what, text, facebook, fwd calls, voicemail, email, giving my clients my cell and let them know if they have a problem to call 24/7, arranging transportation, pick-up and delivery service, etc... there is just a lot of options out there for a client/perspective customer, and the goal is to land that job/sale.

Further I am sure you are flirting with a disaster due to the internet or forums... I have read numerous times bad experiences (not you or your company) from keyboard comando's that they had horrible experiences since no one answered on the first ring... then go spouting off on the internet...

Like I said, just wondering, constructive criticism, etc... not pooping all over you, as i said... i want everyone to succeed in their business!

SMD SuperSeller VerifiedJbondoXJames Shields

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We offer automated online ordering for dealers -- so they don't have to call us to order. Most of them use this system and it's MUCH easier as not only can they double check their order on the screen but we have a printed computerized record so there is no confusion -- I find that more accurate than phone ordering.

We also have forums, emails, and Facebook for people to contact us -- so it's not as if people cannot reach us by any means, phone is just the worst possible way.

As for having "someone" answer phones at minimum wage... if they have no idea what they are talking about, IMO, it's worse than nobody answering the phone if they simply confuse the customer. I only have so much time in a day as the owner, product engineer, inventory manager, etc. I simply cannot sit on the phone all day when customers expect me to email them, take their orders, and ship their orders in a timely fashion. If some absolutely HAS TO talk to me on the phone they can... but it should be the last choice.

People can ALWAYS reach me by email, forums, and Facebook which I can answer as I have time to sit and think about a response. If I'm on the phone and doing other work my full attention cannot be dedicated to responding to the customer and taking care of them... again, making it a poor way to really talk to us / me.

We are growing and I am working on it -- for now phone is the WORST way to contact us. I am working on expanding our facility and staff next year to handle the increased contact volume but it takes time.

- Jacob Fuller

- Owner, Sundown Audio

- Sundown Audio on FACEBOOK

- Please DO NOT PM ME -- use my email address -- [email protected]


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Understandable... maybe re-reading this I was just giving more insight on how customers are... the funny thing is that people's mentality have changed, and get upset if they can't reach you on Sunday at 9PM now a days.

in defense of the person answering the phone not knowing anything; Shannon, Beth, Natalie, Amy, or Holly have no clue to what I do, but they page me, or offer voicemail, cell phone, or hand written message if I do not responds within 30 seconds of them being placed on hold. It has to be a pleasurable experience :)

SMD SuperSeller VerifiedJbondoXJames Shields

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Also the automated ordering is awesome for dealers, I use it for Viper, and have yet to have any issues, where I have had issues recently with someone taking the order over the phone.

SMD SuperSeller VerifiedJbondoXJames Shields

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Also, what I am seeing here is the manufacturer dealing with the public direct. The public should be dealing with the retailers. Questions should be fielded by dealers. I believe Sundown is currently in that "inbetween" stage. Where they are not big enough to just be a manufacturer, and they are not small enough to be able to offer the 1 on 1 service like before.

Many companies do fail at this point in time, because they cannot make the step into the full blown manufacturing part of things. They still have their "buddies" from when they were "retailing" out the back door. As a manufacturer, at some point you have to sever ties with the general population, and focus on current product, and future product demands.

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We offer automated online ordering for dealers -- so they don't have to call us to order. Most of them use this system and it's MUCH easier as not only can they double check their order on the screen but we have a printed computerized record so there is no confusion -- I find that more accurate than phone ordering.

We also have forums, emails, and Facebook for people to contact us -- so it's not as if people cannot reach us by any means, phone is just the worst possible way.

As for having "someone" answer phones at minimum wage... if they have no idea what they are talking about, IMO, it's worse than nobody answering the phone if they simply confuse the customer. I only have so much time in a day as the owner, product engineer, inventory manager, etc. I simply cannot sit on the phone all day when customers expect me to email them, take their orders, and ship their orders in a timely fashion. If some absolutely HAS TO talk to me on the phone they can... but it should be the last choice.

People can ALWAYS reach me by email, forums, and Facebook which I can answer as I have time to sit and think about a response. If I'm on the phone and doing other work my full attention cannot be dedicated to responding to the customer and taking care of them... again, making it a poor way to really talk to us / me.

We are growing and I am working on it -- for now phone is the WORST way to contact us. I am working on expanding our facility and staff next year to handle the increased contact volume but it takes time.

Hey Jacob, i'm retiring from the Army at the end of this year and know a little about subs and amps. I could answer phones for you.

Edited by OrionStang

SMD Super Seller

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Also, what I am seeing here is the manufacturer dealing with the public direct. The public should be dealing with the retailers. Questions should be fielded by dealers. I believe Sundown is currently in that "inbetween" stage. Where they are not big enough to just be a manufacturer, and they are not small enough to be able to offer the 1 on 1 service like before.

Many companies do fail at this point in time, because they cannot make the step into the full blown manufacturing part of things. They still have their "buddies" from when they were "retailing" out the back door. As a manufacturer, at some point you have to sever ties with the general population, and focus on current product, and future product demands.

Indeed... some of our dealers are doing a better job at answering customer questions these days, so that will be a help.

We are in between right now -- it's going to be another year or two before I consider us even a "mid size" company. This year has really been a game changer in growth for us... it's been very challenging to meet all the new demands but so far we are doing alright and the overwhelming majority of customers are satisfied :)

- Jacob Fuller

- Owner, Sundown Audio

- Sundown Audio on FACEBOOK

- Please DO NOT PM ME -- use my email address -- [email protected]


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In moving to the midsize company, you are going to have hiccups, and there are bound to be orders missed, or shipments gone a wry, but the customer needs to understand that there will soon be seperation from "chruch and state" if you will, and that will inevitable bring a superior product to the consumer. Staying in touch with the needs and wants of the consumer is great (reading and responding on forums), but direct orders will soon be a thing of the past.

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It is a ballsy move to leave the tech info to the dealers, that can make a break a line also... I know from looking at your site that a few of the dealers that I know and some of the local ones in my area, couldn't provide technical advise on how to count fingers on one hand.

As the other comment about moving business ahead, it might be a little touchy to those that supported you/the company when you just started off. I had to do it when I opened my own company and then when I went to work for my current employer... it was some tough decisions, and I did upset a few people but business is business.

SMD SuperSeller VerifiedJbondoXJames Shields

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