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So went to leave today and my car didn't seem to want to move. I hit the gas a bit harder and merged into traffic and then it "fell" sort of as if it had been up on the curb a little. I knew this was no curb though, I jump out and the god damn rear end is lowered down.. because of an apparent direct hit my rear driver wheel well took.

I freak the fu** out since it is obvious my car was struck but it has tons of dents, it's been through hell, but nothing like this.. it was like a stealth hit.

Luckily I eventually found a tiny note with a police officer's badge, precinct and case # on it. So, I'm thinkin some innocent bystander called it in? I only have liability so I gotta pray they catch them right? I know the court can force them to pay if they don't have insurance, can I do this if I have a friend repair it?

Never had this happen before so I need some assistance. I'm a broke ass college student right now.

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i think your might be screwed lol my moms van(parked in the street infront of our house) got hit one night at around 3am head on my some dumb ass, he took off and by the time the cops showed up there was just two mess up vehicles in the front yard :angry: my mom was wondering where her car was, she said she parked it behind the van the night before.....well come to find out the damn car (mercury tracer) was pushed by the van and ended up on the front steps of the house three doors down! I WAS LIKE WTF!

at the end the guy whos car it was didnt have insurance and we never found what they did with him. We had to pay for the all the damage of the two cars.

so hopefully they have the other guys info and you get payed, but u never know with HIT N RUNS, insurances never wanna pay up like they are suppose to. GL

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Damn.. sucks :(! :angry:

What's wrong with the wheel though? My mom got stuck in a snow bank and while getting pulled out it hit a curb and bent the back wheel all up and broke some things.. only about $60 to get it all fixed up :) I know that that doesn't help with the dents or anything, but it should be good news that it is/might be cheap to fix..

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thats all :peepwall:

From who? I have progressive. My DUI just got dropped off today when I was on the phone with them, which is nice... but it's like $50, must be where you live. I'm in the city so.. meh.

from the sounds of this it seems like maybe they hit the wheel just right to bent the axle too FUUUUUUUUU

Nooo, don't say that.. crap. That sounds about right though, I mean, hitting a wheel wouldn't have dropped the rear suspension unless it was already pretty rusted out huh? That would make it so the back of the car is riding real low on the tires? Damn

When I was in court for my DUI a few years back there was a gal in there who was in trouble for not paying off her thousands of dollars in debt for hitting someone without insurance, so I'm praying there is something I can due.. maybe that was a civil suit. God dammit.

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Update if anyone gives a shit, someone said they saw a cop on the scene with a car parked and empty up against mine.. so the person either was there or ran on foot.

Also, I only appear to have a busted strut which is .. whew.

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