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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/12 in Posts

  1. I feel you on that i just dont like people seeing the negative stuff that really isn't our fault. I totally get you though bro I mean some stuff will break and we are HAPPY to fix anything. We will have a few defective units, even though they are hand tested individually, who know's how the monkeys at fedex are handling the boxes. Of course we have also identified one problem with some of the earlier units and if anyone shows symptoms of that problem, we handle it pretty quick.
    1 point
  2. i have to 100% agree on this also i had some "problems" that turned out to be a user error not the DD1 itself found the problem solver on here. i love my DD-1 and CC-1 glad you guys could come up with this stuff for people who ain't pros at setting their gear the right way
    1 point
  3. I understand where you are coming from as it seems that your product is being knocked, but I actually enjoy the threads on these. Every one of these shows me what someone's symptoms are, what the problem is, and how to fix it. Sort of like a live troubleshooting database. If I have a problem with mine, I come here and look through these to see if someone else did it the same way and how they were supposed to do it. Then again, I've only had one problem once, and that was because I was not turning my HU up enough for the DD-1 to see a signal at the RCA level. Yes, another user error, but hopefully that helps 2 people at once by showing them they may need to turn up their HU some more and that my HU's distortion point can give someone a rough idea of where theirs may distort. Plus with as many of these that come up as being user error, it only sways confidence in the product for a little bit, and then reinforces it more once the CS comes in and handles the situation.
    1 point
  4. Guys, i know its frustrating when you dont read the book and your DD-1 "seems" to be acting up........and the first thing you want to do is complain about it without contacting us about it first. We have had a few units go bad, not many, but a few.....and we have isolated every single little problem that has occurred and resolved them. Over and over again, i still see people making posts about why their DD-1 isn't working properly, only to find out later, they did something wrong. here is a perfect example. after replacing the probes at no cost, no questions asked, and about 5 emails back/forth.......it turns out THIS is the problem. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9MuUhXl7sQ&feature=youtu.be now again, the DD-1 is like any other piece of electronics, it CAN malfunction and a couple did.....but 9 times out of 10 its not the product. Thanks! anyone with any other issues, please email us FIRST so we can figure out whats going on QUICK rather then make a post with a video only to find out you didnt read the book LOL
    1 point
  5. ^^ The new ones will be beast You will LIKE!
    1 point
  6. That's what I was thinking, about 299 pounds total lol I'm just glad it worked out, during my mini freak out I messaged xspower and Ram on here and they both were quick to respond, Ram was ready to file a claim to take care of me, just goes to show the kind of people that are getting our business! Defininitly made a return customer out of me!
    1 point
  7. So your telling me that you called paypal, told them someone hacked your account and sent me $900? But yet you only wanted $250 back? When someone hacks your account your usually not going to ask for a partial refund back.. so my question still stands what were you gonna if paypal would have givin you the money back? Don't sound quite right to me.. and the only reason I'm givin you back that motor is because I had to use my mothers paypal acct for the transaction and she asked me to just give you the money or the motor so she wouldn't have to be stressed out about the whole deal.. I wouldn't give u jack.. you refuded to return improperly built subs to DD to be fixed, you refused to return them to me for a full refund plus the trades.. so they must not be to bad if you wanna keep them huh?
    1 point
  8. They are getting the XP750, XP950, XP2000, and XP3000 back in stock this week and will have them up on the site as soon as they are recieved in their system. No one expected them to sell through 50 XP3000 in less than 24 hours.
    1 point
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