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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/12 in Posts

  1. Already texted you how i feel about it! This is BIG! Would be great for the whole car audio scene!
    3 points
  2. Lynch is a grown man, not a 12yr old junior high school kid. The only people who refer to my initials as such are usually stuck to a computer chair all day long with an xbox live headset glued to their head and a smart mouth.
    2 points
  3. I cant say much yet, and i don't know much about it anyway.....but Discovery International contacted me and wanted to experience the ride, find random people in public and get their reaction to the system, do hair tricks, rip phone books and at the end attempt to break a pane of glass. I honestly did not think i could break the glass very easily but boy was i mistaken......wow! oh.....and Psyph.....LOLZ! He gets a pass since supersonic glass shards would send most people ducking for cover hahah!! it was a fun day. I dont know if i can post my vids yet i am waiting to see if i am allowed. If not i will after the show airs in September. Here is a few Ninja pics
    1 point
  4. i never do this......and i don't even think i went past 5 grand. Car redlines at 7. I had a redbull in my ballsack and wasn't expecting this. On my way to work. Drinking a RedBull. Changing Station to Howard Stern. Looks in Mirror. A Mean looking 'Stang weaving, trying to get with me says "light turns green, go" Tosses iphone 4s to Psyph. Psyph barely starts cam in time. 130lbs of BASS in the trunk. No NOS required. (bottle wasn't even open) I did not start this and i don't think im the coolest. Just had to handle business. Props to the GT.
    1 point
  5. Here you are http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10fFfscR4dc
    1 point
  6. lol those guys do not know anything about car audio. I remember when I was younger they had a myth about subwoofers breaking a winshield. they used one huge (3 foot?) subwoofer and also had a sunroof of some sort. they called the myth busted. not sure if they understood the concept of multiple subwoofers and ton of watts. doubt they would attempt the myth again considering the cost of the myth lol I'm pretty sure they did 160 + db at 16 hz. That sounds like a few world records even today. They didn't go through the process of reinforcement and the other variables needed which is what the problem was with the episode. I've always hoped that mainstream media would get an accurate representation of this industry. Maybe this is it.
    1 point
  7. S.M.D. the new O.C.C. without the bad tempers and much cooler. We wish you all the best and much success. Hit this one out of the park Steve! From all your loyal fans. Lets see one of the good guys win one for the team. Mike
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 15 cubic feet ported maybe a little large...
    1 point
  10. Psyph has been at my shop every day from 7am till after 3pm working on his new album.....today he sent me something him and Teak (Hallway Prod.) are working on. I have the rough album and it hits HARD from the first song to the last. This one is no exception
    1 point
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