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Everything posted by David

  1. I can make another skin call it OG SMD, you wil be able to chose it later, the current skin will stay defualt, some other other may even change
  2. R u sure you know how to read? cause we have no moderator even close to that name. WTF
  3. I thought Neo lost its strength faster due to heat then ferrite, and if so then that's why your scores went down faster then the ferrite subs. been alot of debate on this, maybe the technology has changed I mean the DD' Z's seem to do well with a shit ton of power so maybe its dependent of the design??
  4. I'm not sure I agree with that^^ statement. look into the Ascendant Audio Havoc's or the DC lvl 4's with lvl 5 coils.
  5. we been fairly mild but 2 weeks ago it was hotter then that pic hell yesterday was hotter then that pic, I agree its been mild compared to last summer.
  6. looks about normal for here ur over 100 and were just above 90 finally u know our pain lol
  7. who are you to say I'm wrong, its your opinion I'm wrong, just like its my opinion I'm right and your wrong. you cant say I'm wrong, Morally I'm right, weather you chose to believe so or not. that's the problem with society today there are no morals.
  8. someone can serve there debt and still be a piece of shit low life scumbag, on top of that a ban is a ban why should he be able to live the life of luxury after what he did, that's what he will do once someone picks him up in the nfl and its a sad, it shows the kids that its ok to be a fuck up, you can still play in the nfl if your talented.
  9. so drowning dogs is the same as hunting? I guess I have a different way of looking at life, as a APBT owner I can assure u fighting or killing these dogs is nothing short of RUTHLESS, and it makes the breed that much more looked down upon. READ my post I agree the others are worse crimes and they too should be banned, KILLING IS KILLING and its just not right, I don't care if he served his time, I don't care that he lost millions.......... HE SHOULD HAVE. how come its ok for him to go back to such a privileged lifestyle and all the rest of the convicted felons have such a hard time getting it going after word. Im done here.
  10. I don't agree with him being able to play again, the people that have done worse shouldn't be able to play either I agree with that part he didn't just fight dogs, he killed them in cold blood, that's pretty ruthless. you want kids to look up to this guy? I don't. and as a quarterback he sucks, he is a gifted runner no doubt and is exciting to watch, if he went to my favorite team I would stop watching NFL football.
  11. We got him into a HF-1000.1, i think he'll be happy
  12. no i dont think it is, not without alot of trail and error building anyway, even then i doubt its possible
  13. hair tricks off of type e's good luck, you were better off with the type Rs by far
  14. load test the battery, it may show good voltage and still not be able to handle a good load.
  15. congrats bro, that's a a hell of an accomplishment. I have always liked flying and would love to learn, I just cant my ears are to sensitive to the pressure.
  16. unless your getting super deals were cheaper then all but the audioque.
  17. DAT hellfire 2500.1? ill make u nice deal, would power those woofers real nice
  18. its the server making a forum backup for the database it happens everynite at 11.01 till 11.04pm im trying to get the host to change the times it happens we dont control it.
  19. SS amplifiers, not what they used to be. ( so sad too, they used to be the shiz of the shiz)
  20. RF T3000 are you kidding me after u just asked about voltage, that's the biggest current hog out of all the amplifiers mentioned. the 2500 will do over 3k daily no problem and IMO is perfect fit to that pair of subs,
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