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Everything posted by finkster

  1. So theres a small steel pail sitting on my back porch, and from rain it filled up...well it got below freezing for a long time and froze the top layer of water....well then the bottom started to freeze but the water had nowhere to expand, so it tore the pail apart...Just thought it was kinda neat seeing the power of water rip it apart....I got this pic right when things started to melt this morning, so the ice is now cracked, but the bottom of the pail was literally bulging like a ball, but i couldnt get a pic of it...anyhow, just thought it was neat and id share you can see where it bulged kinda...it was far worse than that yesterday...
  2. Reminds me of my jungle juice recipe over the summer, which i will prolly be making for new years....had all this stuff in it, and had the whole party tipsy anyways have a fun holiday man...
  3. Because of their beef during the time period of a rap movement...That is all And honestly i dont give a shit about rap, it's cool to ride to and listen to, but 90% of shit that comes out today is middle school lyrics, with good beats...its starting to sound childish to me...BUT if i could make millions off of talking bullshit on tracks, id do it in a second and also, the reason i put Tupac above all is that he could make an effective song on many different subjects. nearly EVERY fucking rapper out today does nothing but bullshit about drugs and ladies and rims and shit...honestly, who gives a fuck if u have mad bitches? we dont care about it, or your jewelry, give the listeners something to digest and look forward to. It really is getting annoying. Notice that most of the greats were humble in some way. /rant, and im also looking forward to the new eminem cd....
  4. ha!!! u wanna talk about suck? Lets talk Washington, DC for a second... Redskins = disappointment EVERY fucking year...wizards are a joke, Nationals, gimme a break... THANK GOD my motherfuckin WASHINGTON CAPITALS are here to save the day... Or else i would have officially say that DC has the worst sports teams ever...
  5. Wouldn't mind having that round the firehouse. It def looks like it would blend in nicely
  6. the wood i have works better when its burned
  7. i think its an 08, from what i read in the build. i have been known to be wrong tho
  8. Of course. It will work at any load between 1 and 4... good luck with the set up man...
  9. i love those trucks. good find and good luck with the build
  10. I went to the web site, but it seems you cannot view all of the records because they want u to buy the book instead...LOL... I guess i could always apply, let them do the research, and then call me back...but it says it could take a couple months...oh well
  11. OK i dont have the guennis book of world records, and i didnt find anything close tro my match for my online search, so i will ask u fellow internet whizzes and book owners for a lil help. Just to let you guys know this is actually a serious post, for i seriously think i have the potential to be a record holder. OK i think i am VERY close to the record for most joints cracked in the body. I have seen a couple of people claiming what they can do online, and honestly my list shits on theirs. to date i can crack... my ears, nose, jaw, every bone in spine, my shoulders, sternum elbows, wrist, a bone in my hand, every finger in 5 different ways (except for the thumb which is only 4), my hip, knees, ankles (in 2 different ways), all my toes in 3-4 different ways, and...ermm...my weiner...lol but i seriously think i got it...can yall help me out?
  12. That reply makes absolutely no sense. PS3 already has Blu ray and wifi...an HD DVD player and wireless adaptor alone are 200, making it more expensive than the PS3, plus the ps3 can surf the web, something even a Wii can do...it seems like your microsoft friends are limiting the number of things your system can do, and then charge you everytime a new "upgrade" is available...and then again, u add on XBL membership fees. and on top of that, how gay is it that you have to copy music to your HDD from a cd, complete waste of time.
  13. I got my mom an appointment for a massage for 6 months. I also got her a gift card to outback steakhouse. I got my lil bro a nintendo ds game, my lil sis a doll, my other lil sis a hannah montana thingy, and my stepdad a AC Moore gift card. My older sister a victorias secret gift set, her BF some skullcandy earbuds, and my nephew a baby book, and finally my aunt and uncle a starbucks card...all i have left is my grandfather lol. I got myself some DD earbuds (which arrive wednesday yay!!) and Mortal Combat vs DC Universe.
  14. You're absoultely right, well im only 19...but i have 3 younger siblings (8, 6, and 2) that i went out and got some stuff for. This is also the first xmas where i actually got my mom something really nice. Man i spent alot (around $600) on people this year that i have never got anything for before, but it will be cool to see the responses. As for what i want, i have no clue, i havent asked for anything since i was like 13. Maybe the new call of duty and some black air forces and call it a good xmas with the fam
  15. squats are the number one back killer, usually from a bad form. i did it back in high school, slipped on my form, and was out of football for a couple weeks. I recommend a chiropractor, they do work wonders
  16. Im in the process of joining the coast guard. I will ask my (lazy ass) recruiter about this and then get back to you. 00sdmie00 is in the coast guard, maybe you can pm him
  17. well lets see...My dad left when i was 5 (divorced he cheated on her)..and he moved far away and never payed child support. He called one time when i was in middle school, he was somewhere in st louis (we live in maryland) and he was talking about coming to see me sometime. Never called again. yea shit like that sucks even though i hate him, i just feel like it could have been completely different. Anyhow stay strong, i know this sucks but unfortunately it isnt uncommon anymore....
  18. sorry bro but Ima have to call bullshit on this one. There is no possible way to tune your hand like that, as the hands shape is constantly changing, which also makes it impossible to seal it soo fast again for the next note...It looks cool as hell, but its probably the guy's voice.
  19. I dont live in FLA but ive been and i also live by the ocean. Yea its awesome. Depending on where you stay, FL has a shit ton of things to do, especially in the Tampa, Orlando, and Miami areas Have fun mayne
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