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Everything posted by finkster

  1. Ive owned both, and still have my PS3...and im not biased...360 is alot easier to contact friends to play with, you can leave them sound messages and txt messages. I think thats what makes the difference for 360 users (other than the gaming titles). However, i dont think that is worth paying for. Aalso, its pretty neat that the 360 can play music while playing the game. I see no lag difference between the two systems, period. I have no trouble with online gaming for my ps3. The PS3 has soo much more potential, but until the developers get the programming down, the games will still remain close. i think its bullshit that the 360 charges extra for an HD DVD player, while blu ray is already included w the ps. i also think its bullshit that you have to pay 90 buckss for a network adaptor, hell even a fucking wii (which everybody is dissing) has wifi. I think its just another way for microsoft to get your money. and now supposedly 360 people can rent movies from netflix, while you could have done that since day 1 with the PS3. That is why i kept my PS3. While 360 has better and more titles. I dont think it will be too long before the PS catches up. just my .02
  2. ehhh, i usually have a couple glasses because "tis the season", but generally i cant drink more than a glass of that stuff at a time. i guess it depends if im in the mood.
  3. Man i saw this a couple weeks ago and holy hell, its fucking hilarious. Fat man Scoop is funny as shit... Not porn, but i dont think its for the younger folk that cruise the forums...
  4. i cant find it on the site? Will it not show up until tomorow?
  5. lol the PS3 already does all that shit...but i still miss my 360...i think im gettin one again when Left 4 dead comes out
  6. wow, they have to be from my neck of the woods too....WTF baltimore is going more and more downhill every year...
  7. I learned how to put in a head unit from my next door neighbor, Perry. he also guided me on my first set up of fosgate P1s on a dual amp LOL...he passed away this past year, at the young age of 29 i think...cancer...i miss the guy so much. The rest i have learned from here, and wow this site has been a huge help.
  8. Im soooo unoriginal when it comes to these things. i know this is posted kinda early but i need to get this done asap. I kinda want this gift to be nice since its my last days living at the house and im going to boot camp soon. Let me just say that shes a cool Mom (probably because of her mini midlife crisis)...she already has a laptop and a ipod. But im looking for something cool. Price is not really an issue as long as its below 200-250. Got any ideas? EDIT: i tried googling cool gifts for mom but all this gay shit like books and quilts and shirts were popping up, and i dont want anything to do with that lol...
  9. also, i posted this in the wrong section, but it was a free b for somebody it can be deleted...
  10. ok the last 2 pics are oof where i glued the terminal back on because it fell and broke, but i glued the shit out of it and it works flawlessly.
  11. hmmm maybe, although he stated pick up only, and im not sure how many people live near where he is.....but it still could work out like that lol...
  12. emat why is everything u post on this forum negative or sarcastic? I'm curious. although i do feel like there are many threads bashing craigslist ads. there should be a single thread on here just about bashing craigslist ads.
  13. I believe most of the lag problems are fixed now. I have seen 0 lag whatsoever. i personally think its more tactical and fun than call of duty but thats just me. If anyone want to play add me....FINKSTER07 too bad not alot of ppl here own the game or we could start a SMD clan
  14. My mom has this phone...I use the Livesearch button to find places...its like 411 for free, but it gives u directions and everything to it...its pretty impressive. while the internet is faster....whenever i watch the videos or tv online it lags somethin horrible...hopefully they can fix that
  15. This topic should be in Member Builds/Showoff...But anyways nice starter system. Keep tinkering around with it (safely), and hang around here more often...You'll have a decent setup in no time bro.
  16. i babysit my three siblings everyday and i didnt even watch the whole vid. but judging by your responses he didnt drop him thank God. Thats just not cool at all....
  17. 50 hour labor man.... But congrats and hope things get even better
  18. out here in MD we have the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, and that fucker is seriously big lol... EDIT: i think a couple of u guys heard about the accident a couple months ago where a tractor trailer wrecked off it into the bay....50 foot drop (not at the top obviously)....but the driver swerved to avoid hitting the car that caused it, which was a drunk young girl that was on her way home from a wedding
  19. wait so are we sanding the outside or the outside + inside? My Mom's Hona Odyssey has this problem also.
  20. Hi Let me just suggest 1 good 15" sub with a nice ported box...that would cost less than 2 12's... throw a thousand watt amp in there and call it done
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