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Everything posted by Beanz

  1. hahaha insert in vigirously thrusting and then PFFFTTTT
  2. that cat is just chiling cleaning himself and getting a message at the same time
  3. does that one dude come with the box also?cause damn fittin in that hole must be a bitch. edit nvermind i saw he was outside the box looked like to me he was inside lol
  4. Alarm with train horn FTW.And maybe one inside like a piezo alarm thingy so the fucerks will get a LOUD HIGH pitch from inside also .
  5. congrates on the ink on the magazine. and im glad to be a part of the SMD team man STREET MOTIVATED DEVISTATION MEMBER reppin sick wid it
  6. it'll still be 160 wid that new smds lol just now it's one less car making the noise in steves hood.
  7. meee i likes the mexican music wid da bass but i also listens to sum gorilla zoe gotta love his bass lines no homo.
  8. yeah pretty much.neat lil device if you enjoy the 80's or mexican music just KNOCKIN like sum gorilla zoe lol.
  9. depends like i said if you listen to a lot of rap it wont do a damn thing to your bass just make it sound weird.but if you listen to IE mexican music like me it will make it KNOCK.mostly used for songs that have like no bass pretty much
  10. not really.i owned both the epicenter and the soundstream one and i found them the same.the soundstream one IMO was a lil better but then i was using a chitty radio on the epicenter and the soundstream is on my good radio. and the soundsteram is a lot cheaper also look in to this one Soundstream http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-SOUNDSTREAM-BX15-B...%3A1%7C294%3A50 Audiocontrol http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-AUDIOCONTROL-EPICE...%3A1%7C294%3A50 what type of musci do you listen to?
  11. man that one japanese dude taht was in the supra made me crack up hella times
  12. i can do that lol in like 3330000 years lol looks prettyy strong on the upper but his legs look a lil small from waht i saw but still
  13. i think that wire is ment for say if you have the box terminals running in to the amp you ciould use power wire like this one for you speaker wire http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_11969_...G8250+Roll.html
  14. could either be that either your RCAse bad or the out puts on the stereo of the pioneer are bad usually happens on those stereos all you ahve to do is ground them and is should be okay,
  15. so heres my thing should i sell the 15's and get 2 12s so i could port them or get 1 good 15 ported also? i mean with the 12's i get more cone area but the 15 will hit hte lows better. the 12's MIGHT be the FI bls or the DC audio lvl4s or sum RE dont know which series the single 15 might be the BTL or that SMD woofer if it's in the right price or say screw it and keep my 15's in that box and build a ported box and see it i can get it to work out.
  16. or if not look into a prefab box called OBCON. great box those lil fuckers.http://www.obcon.com/
  17. you wouldent happen to have a sony camera do you?cause that's how my bass sounds when i recored it too.crappy sound from those cameras.and yeah that box is HUGE(sarcasim) lol j/k.how do it knock though i know that video does no justice on to how it sounds
  18. DAMN id' be cool wid sum 26 or if not MAYBE 28's if it looks good but DAMN 32?i read lexani is making the 40 inch rims also.
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