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Everything posted by Colin - STAPUFT

  1. Yeah- I noticed that later... lol. I like it better with the blue- to me, it pops. But that is a photo and not the real thing- and it isn't my van Anyway so what I think doesn't matter! Hankerin' for updates...
  2. The wifey and I have our first one due pretty much any day now. Gonna' be a boy (so they tell me) and we are going to name him John Corban. Go by Corban which means Gift Consecrated to God. I picked that one out and *gasp* the wife said she liked it. Girl name is Chloie June (bleh! The wife picked that one & I hate it! LOL)
  3. I'm with the OP on this one... I can't freakin' find one that will hold either. I believe I have tried that Permatex brand before and even then... off it comes. With low frequencies there is no problem (just the wobble)- it is the higher stuff that knocks mine off every time- like 50hz and up.
  4. Lovin' the color scheme? What's that on the hood?? Like a circuit board? Great start on the wall too!
  5. Just read all 20 pages again and this thing just gets better and better. Truly the best of all worlds- 4 doors, drive-ability, can haul a mountain & bustin' the hell out of 150 dbs from 22-58 hz! What else could anyone want???
  6. I was going South-East as these guys were going North-West on a backwoods 2 lane road in south Georgia today. http://www.firepelosibus.com/home.aspx
  7. That's the way to go imo. You can always close up the port/terminus some to lower the tuning if you need to. Just don't choke it up too much- but I don't see that being a problem. Now... get busy!!
  8. 12 12"s won't work..... doesn't sound good, especially in a clamshell. Nahhh I'm just yankin' you. Listen to Boom and to Blade Ice. They have done this more than once. I had these SAME questions as you when I built my clamshell, and yes- I initially tried to use ported box design to build the box -and I did to a degree- it got me in the ball park. I Thought I tuned my box to around 35 hz. I THOUGHT. Much much much lower. Clamshells are tricky like that, but nothing like the visual wow factor. Tuned in!
  9. What kind of wheels are those?!?! I want a set JUST like those. They look so good on the Astros.
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