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Everything posted by Colin - STAPUFT

  1. Car show a couple of weeks ago in my hometown. Didn't get a whole lot of pics really compared to the number of cars.
  2. Is the cable on those Gain knob/amp combo a 4 pin or 6 pin? If so, all you have to do is go to Radio Shack and get a splitter. Pretty much like a phone splitter. Run your cable from your single gain knob to the splitter. Then from the splitter run 2 more wires- one to each amp. I tried doing this with my BXi1608s, but mine use 8 pin- as in network wire. It was easier for me to just run the wire from my single bass knob to one point, then splice in my 3 amps and solder them all together. Afterward, I checked everything with the DMM and O-Scope on the amps and all 3 are spot on with each other- just like it was meant to be that way. Works like a champ and kept me from having to purchase another component that I didn't really want.
  3. Diggin' It! I like the layout on the stripes too. Did you say what colors? Definitely tuned in.
  4. All depends on the location. The good thing about Bingo is that the payouts are guaranteed. Someone is going to get that money. It isn't like a slot machine where someone playing might get paid.... you know? Most of the places I know, the minimum buy in (for only the pack / regular games) is around $3-6... and that gets you like 6 or 9 cards for say- 5 or 8 games. Whatever the hall does. One can play a few cards on every game at most places for $30. But don't get it twisted, you can spend bank at bingo. Some people come in and just buy the $3 pack and then a few speed balls or what have you and make a cheap night of it. I have also seen people drop $300 on a night of bingo! lol
  5. Just a few without any of the details... (it takes long enough to tell them, let alone type them)... Bingo workers are the most sex charged and horniest people on the planet. I have SEEN a gun pulled at bingo. I have been offered sexual favors (MANY TIMES) from players for "making their computer bingo" (which can't be done btw). Most of these people no one would touch with a 10 foot pole. 55+ year old Black Women are frightening with this. Down in a hall in FL, a guy with a gun and mask came in to rob a hall and went to the caller's stand (the money isn't there- it is at the register) then ran back to the register and demanded the money. ..All the while the manager was in his office behind a cracked open door. The manager (who had never shot a gun in his life) had a shotgun in his office for security. He snuck behind the robber and shot him point blank with the shotgun. When the robber fell to the floor, he chambered another round and blew the robber's head OFF. All this in front of God and the whole bingo hall clientele. -No Bull I have people accuse me of making certain people bingo because they don't bingo. When people don't win, sometimes they will cuss and often times Cuss OUT the person or people who do win. It is fun to watch "Grown Up" adults get kicked out of a bingo hall- KICKING AND SCREAMING by a 6' 250 lb security guard. I saw someone spend $100 one night on bingo with REAL Silver coins. These coins were probably worth 5-15X that much. -They didn't care, they wanted their bingo that night. People will drop $50 in one shot on these "Skill Crane" machines to get a $.50 stuffed toy. I have seen it Multiple Times. People put Acorns, Troll Dolls, European Coin Currency, and all other trinkets around their computers. They will also put photos of their kids or grand kids. When the bingo, they take the photo back home with them. When they don't- they leave their kid or grand kids photo to be thrown away. JANKY is a word that comes up Alot. As defined by www.urbandictionary.com as: JANKY - (adjective) inferior quality; held in low social regard; old and dilapidated; refers almost exclusively to inanimate material objects, not to people. People will throw Salt for luck. Lots of salt. LOTS. So much that sometimes they will throw enough that it will get into the computer screens and short them out. Sparks and fire will sometimes ensue. If someone misses winning a game by one number (as in only needed one more number to bingo) they will write that number down on a piece of paper, and then BURN that paper. That is called "burning out" that number. Any bad luck or voodoo on that number is now released and they are good to keep on playing bingo. A husband and wife (at one of the halls I frequently service) were playing bingo one night. The husband started feeling ill. Then he felt really REALLY ill- he then keeled over. They called the ambulance and when the EMTs were working on him and taking him out, he had a massive heart attack and Died. Bingo KILLED THIS MAN. They rolled him out the door (all the while 100+ people were looking on). The ambulance drove off and the wife (now a widow) walked back to her seat in the hall and sat back down. Everyone looked at her with confusion and disbelief. She then finished out her night of bingo because that is what her husband "Would have wanted". -No Bull. I attest to you that NONE of this is made up. It is ALL True, 100%. Most of these things are things that have happened to me directly and things that I have seen. Just a few are things that have happened in the presence of people that I know and who have related these stories directly to me. Bingo is a fascinating and horrifying thing.
  6. Cool stuff. I love AC/DC. If Thunderstruck doesn't get you amped-up, then you had better check your pulse.
  7. The OP has a point- ...I would know. I work on computers and network systems in bingo halls all around America. I have been doing this for over 6 years now. LOL! Bingo isn't just little old "blue hairs" marking paper cards with chips or their daubers. Bingo is SERIOUS. If you haven't ever been in a bingo hall (just as I had not until this job) then you really have NO Idea of the sub-culture around Bingo. ...or the payouts that some of these places have. It all varies from place to place, but some of these places will have 40 games in a night, 10 of which pay $50 each, & 12 that pay $125, multiple other variable payouts, @ 7-8 of their "regular" or "pack games" that can pay anywhere from $200-500 per game, and then the big jackpot that can pay @ $1500. And there are some locations that do "insured games" where if the player hits a coverall in less than say- 47 numbers, they get $10,000 or $25,000 or what have you. I know of one place that happened twice in one week! Most of these places don't make profit EVERY night. Some days they make their cash (weekends, first of the month, payday Thursday and Friday, holidays) but other days (day sessions, Monday-Wednesday play) they won't have a huge crowd and making your money back and then some is almost a sure thing. All I am really saying is- don't knock it until you try it. To watch people play Bingo, it looks like it would be the most boring game in the world. But when you play it yourself- it is actually fun. I liken it to golf (but golf takes skill) because it can be fun, therapeutic, and completely infuriating all at the same time. Just my 2 cents. If anyone is curious about ANY other insane-crazy-totally unbelievable Bingo related stories... just let me know. Bingo is truly a study in Behavioral and Social actions. I've seen stuff in Bingo that NO ONE would believe.
  8. I'm 30. And those were the Klipsch 2.1 computer speakers. BUT!!! I do have a head cold right now.... lol
  9. You have mad skills and nerve doing all of that cutting! Gonna' be lower than a sugar cane stalk at harvest time!
  10. I want a new car. ? Are you asking where to get one???
  11. "Yummy! Your tears are tasty." LOL!!!! That was funny! Why are there all of these little punks online??
  12. I did this one time- purchased some cheap-o tweets kinda' like these on the cheap. Then put them ALL in my van with 200 watts on the left, 200 watts on the right. It sucked. Not loud, definitely not good- It was kind of stupid fun, but not worth it.
  13. Really!? That's what I'm talking about. Go down to 2 amps and in theory have the same power as on all 3 amps. That leaves lots of room for bigger amps later. How was their electrical? Pretty strong I would assume...
  14. That first vid had me laughing SO hard! That made my day! lol!
  15. Thanks for the info guys. .66 doesn't seem so scary now. Yeah, perhaps later-later I get 2 of their Biggest Brutus amps 2400s (maybe bigger by then) and wire them up and let them rip!
  16. The two I am contemplating doing this with are 08 models- 1600 watters. I do have a multimeter and an O-scope, so I can be careful with the levels. The real issue is electrical. Only one battery- and the motor is shot right now (whaaat?!?!) so this isn't being driven. I am curious about this because I am thinking about going to 2 BIG Brutus amps later after I fix the motor. So perhaps 2 of their 2400 watt amps wired to .66 ohms. hehehe
  17. I actually have 3 of them, but am thinking about going to 2 just to see what happens. Wiring possibilities are 1.33 ohms each (bleh for power) or .66 ohms each (blue smoke?). With impedance rise, I wonder if I would be ok? I know that there isn't a way to know unless I try, but I am curious if anyone here has run a Brutus at .66 daily -long term- without toasting it. My $.02 is on no- but I thought I would ask here first.
  18. Yeah, in one of his threads Decaf said it is better to slow a song than to change the pitch. And chrispy I believe you are right too- it sounds better slowed than changing the pitch. So you can boost frequencies and change them too.
  19. Open the song in Audacity. Find the part of the song with the note that you like. Highlight that part of the song. Go to Analyze, then Plot Spectrum. On the Frequency Analysis window: Change the settings from 512 to 1634 & change Linear Frequency to Log Frequency. You will be able to see all of the peaks as well as the loudest singe note on the graph. Remember that / those frequencies. Close Frequency Analysis. Go to Effect, then Bass Boost. Put in the frequency you want to boost and by how many DB. NOTE: it is really really easy to make things one notish like this, and be very careful not too boost too much. You will know you have boosted too much when your boosted notes cause the track to clip. This is obviously bad- so don't boost them too much, or the track gets dirty. Happy Tweaking!
  20. Sick for HS! Def. on top of his game.
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