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Everything posted by Quiet

  1. Welcome to Texas, Bro. I've been in DFW for 4 years now and I haven't really seen any shows around here, besides when Car Toys wants to throw something together, but it's just a bunch of people who wanna show off the JL stuff they just bought. AQ just had an event in Austin 2 weeks ago but i'm so broke from $500 electric bills I didn't go. Oh, and watch your speed. Texas five0 don't fuck around.
  2. I use the cheapie cobra detectors from BB or walmart. They do their job and let me know well ahead of time that radar is being used. They usually last 2 years then I just flip $40 for another one. A lot of cops do use POP radar or Lidar guns. But they are usually sticking out like sore thumbs when they're using them. Try to watch out 1/4 to 1/2 mile ahead of you for cops parked on the side of the road, since that's about their max range in the real world. Don't pass going up hills or around corners. Try to stay in the right lane unless passing people. Also don't speed through little towns and in neighborhoods, that's just not nice. I haven't had a ticket in 9 years, and I consistently do 10+ over on the highway. In Texas. I also used to drive twice a week through Waldo Florida, the most notorious speed trap in America. Most of the time (people won't admit it) that people get pulled over was because they weren't paying attention, even when using a fuzzbuster.
  3. um, if there's no vid now, then why is this thread still stickied? EDIT: I just found this one searching the title of the old vid. It may or may not be the same as the original, but it really explains how an alt works really well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqdrkZu50Vw
  4. What equipment are you using them for? Are you planning a tweeter/mid/midbass for your doors? Might be ok for that but don't even consider using this for subs.
  5. Good luck. I tried a long time ago and found out that you won't make much money installing. You'll do better managing or running a shop, but you don't just walk up and manage a shop. I'd suggest doing something else like sell cars or become an A/C tech then do car audio for fun. You're lucky as hell to be able to do what you love as a job and not end up having that job consumes you and making you hate what you used to love. Much love to those who achieved it! EDIT: little grammar fix.
  6. That sucks i'm 1700 miles away, I'd take you up just for the hell of it! Tuned in
  7. If anything under 34Hz sounds like beer farts then your box is built all wrong... Going sealed generally gives you more mechanical power handling as your sub is less inclined to bottom out. This is the trade for low end extension, and in my experience the sound gets muddier with a sealed box over the same driver in a vented enclosure when you start to push it hard. just my .02
  8. I never do business with friends/family/acquaintances. If he fucked up the amp, you're gonna have to deal with the "but we're family" bullshit. Good luck! I've been in your position too many times before. Hope you (and me too) never end up in that position again!
  9. The cam probably takes 250mA to half an amp of current, especially if it's got IR LEDs. It's probably more than your deck can put out on the remote wire. Use a relay to make sure it gets the current it needs My link hope this helps. Dont' worry about the fuse calculator stuff, I just posted it for the wiring diagram EDIT: premature ePOSTulation
  10. I find the WinISD pro to be a little bit buggy, so I use the regular WinISD. Right off the bat it tries to calc the flattest response, so sometimes it gives you really weird figures like 25 cubes for a SMD18, but flat response to 12hz. You have to tweak the numbers and keep cabin gain in mind, but I like to put in a known design and compare/tweak a new box. The regular WinISD will not calculate 6th order dual tuned properly (you have to manually tweak it out and watch your response curve) and doesn't do series tuned 6th orders at all. It has a Vent Mach calculator, but from what I've seen in the real world it's not much help... i.e. WinISD says the port in Steve Meade's tahoe should be whistling like a train horn. For that I would go to the manufacturer or here for recommended in^2port/cube data. I want to buy a couple cheap woofers from parts express and then test out a couple designs before I build the box for my upcoming Level 4 15. When I do I'll let you know and probably post a vid. EDIT: I'm not an expert on WInISD but I think Ray is... and I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong on anything.
  11. thats a great reference page but thats really all taking about using wire on the DC side. AC power is much different. if that chart applied to AC then i would need 0awg speaker wire. Go back and look at the speaker wire calculator on the page. 16 gauge will be just fine.
  12. Congratz! I have 2 girls and being a daddy is the hardest job you'll ever love!
  13. LMAO I would never listen to anything your friend said ever again.
  14. You got my vote this month just for breaking out the Keith Sweat. Haven't heard that jam in a long time
  15. ^true. It's a horrible racket. These comanies enable so much on their devices, then providers do as much to limit them then charge you an arm and a leg to get access to it. Bastards.
  16. Rooting didn't cause the problems. Mods caused the problems. You can root a phone and do no mods and the phone will be exactly the same but rooted. That's as ignorant as saying vented enclosures are boomy and should be avoided for SQ. IJS. Get a Samsung Galaxy phone that you can push images into. you gotta work hard to hard brick one of these.
  17. No substitute for extensive googling On my phone, samsung fascinate, I can hack away and the worst you can do is soft-brick it, I can hook up USB and push a clean image on the phone no problem. I did that so I could do the OTA update to Froyo... Then I rooted it again. BTW Rooting is just getting "administrator" privileges to your phone, nothing more. After you root, you have complete control over your phone. It's just like with your PC, if you have a basic user account you can't do much like install programs or hardware... you need admin access to do stuff like that. They use that so you can't do stuff with your phone that they want to charge you for, like tethering to your laptop. Verizon wants to charge you $20 a month or so just for that when the phone is fully capable of it without the fee. EDIT: Also I have a coworker that has both Windows and Android on his phone. He can boot to either... so DIFFERENT OSes are possible, not just different android kernels.
  18. And just because you're down and out, and figure that the only way to make it today is to rob someone, doesn't mean you take from the needful. That asshole didn't give a shit, is high on meth and looking for his next fix, or is slightly demonic.
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