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Dr. Johnson

18+ All Access!
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Everything posted by Dr. Johnson

  1. So since it was tested why dont you post up the print out of what it really did? Maybe even a pic of said alt too?
  2. look at the crazy sale going on there is little doubt that you can ever get it as low as what he is selling everything for now unless you are on team sundown.
  3. Mechman For me but I might give DC A Chance to earn my Business.
  4. Look in the fs section. Assman has SAZ3000D for sale and you can most likely get it for under 700 shipped with the full warranty.
  5. Awesome. Now hurry up and finish so you can enter the SOTM. You can win it!!
  6. I bought this and I am very impressed with it especially the price. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...n%3D4%26ps%3D10
  7. If you pull this off I will vote for you for system of the year
  8. Wow that was the good ole days. 1 watt amps and hiding amps to cheat. lol
  9. Yeah but you live in California. He has to give you stuff so you will stay there. lol JK Man
  10. sure If you want more I can look around and see what I can find.
  11. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...albumId=2514375 Like this but bigger!
  12. OH Yeah Rusty My son said Damn What the heck do the XL's and Lvl 5 Look like. He had to carry them. haha
  13. Well you shipped them yesterday... HAHA No Just kidding. I expected them to show up on a day like today and of course they did. No pics I keep my stuff secret. lol They look just like the ones everyone else has but with special dust caps. If you want to know more about that you will have to bug Rusty. If he says they are nothing special dont believe him. :+)
  14. Well we just got the subs today. And trust me that was the best part of the whole day. Yay Rusty
  15. Cute puppies. I like the little white spots on their feet.
  16. I would say at least 1 more battery and there are 3 reputable alt companies here check any of them out. Great choice on the battery.
  17. haha normal people do not make minimum wage. lol mostly young people and uneducated unskilled workers do.
  18. No sorry not for sale they are going in the wifes car to replace some old school Rockfords. I have an SAZ 1500D on them so 750 each I guess. I can say for sure they would take more power but I wanted different subs for the wifes car so I am upgrading mine.
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