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Everything posted by ineeDBass419

  1. looks good man..where can i get them got decaf stickers from?
  2. Haha that's a great price.I wonder if he would ship it,might cost an extra 1000 tho?lol
  3. I want it.pm me your info.I can send the money in the morning when I get off work
  4. damn man same thing happend to me lasnite.shit pisses me off
  5. damn that fucker is movin som air.looks brutal for 1 sub.good shit man
  6. somthin like this happend to one of my buddies,but his car was stolen.he went up to the all the neighbors houses where it was found and told them to tell the people who stole the car thanks.kuz he was gettin the same rims but bigger and a nicer paint job kuz they fucked it up lol
  7. like u noticed the dolphin...i had to take another look..lmao
  8. lmfao thats what i thought of too...treo fuckin sweet cut,keep it like that damn i take to long typing lol u should of left the sides
  9. check out decafs version of this..i think its in zip 17..
  10. congrats man..thats good that u got your kids you really dont see that much
  11. this shit sounds good as hell..not a bad song either its got a good beat.
  12. i saw that one a few weeks back when i was looking through your vids..get som new ones up,and get some of those claymore kills i was talking about in it
  13. post it up when you do..i always liked walking up behind people and laying a claymore,it really pisses them off if its the game winning kill to.
  14. this.. just zoom in a lil bit and watch it real good alot of the time its dj's screaming on mixtapes,i hate that shit
  15. damn thor them things look sick as hell man..cant wait to see what kind of numbers u get
  16. why would you charge someone to slow a song it takes not even 5 minutes to do...to the OP ask decaf if he could slow it down for you, he is the best at doing that on this site imo.and he wont charge you
  17. double xp is going all week on 360 since the maps are commin out this weekend..
  18. ill be on for a lil bit..this game irritates me but i keep on playing it lol..gamertag is in tha sig if u want to play nevermind ur on ps3 lol
  19. lol the link you put up says sold out.but yea i would go with the 3000.. http://www.ngamotorsports.com/audiopipe_car_audio_ap30001d_class_d_mono_block_car_amplifier_3000_watts
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