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Everything posted by n8ball2013

  1. 5 spokes or up sorry the three star spokes are not doing anything for me. i was actually a bit disappointed when i saw them on the magnum
  2. Figured my SMD brethren would get a kick out of this. I cant view the video since im at work but the description got me. http://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/car/764550693.html
  3. i also have a program called screwlab. google it.
  4. Got a buddy who had his wallet and keys stolen and he needs to get into his car to get his work laptop. He drives a 528i 1999 fully loaded BMW and was told that if he breaks the window to get in it its going to screw with his factory anti theft. Is this BS or what? I figured it was since Id never seen a factory Anti theft that had glass breakage. any help would be great since he has a quarterly close out to do and his job could depend on this
  5. I used to work at a CC roadshop and Im willing to bet Im not a retard in any aspect of car audio and am probably more knowledgeable than a good majority of this site. dont lump them all together.
  6. so what other excuse do you have about them except they sound like crap? Best bang for the buck woofer on the market.
  7. nope thats wysi. but they are my old XXXs. I have a bunch of DD 9515s and orion 2500ds hanging out waiting to go in my silver cav when i can find a minute to do it.
  8. depends on what you define as louder. louder on the mic? louder to the ear? on the mic you are going to be louder with subs stacked on the passenger side and port on the drivers side.
  9. look for dj lt dan i believe he did an entire mj album and it was a free download. i know i have that song somewhere though
  10. no offense to any of you guys but its good to be a clean cut white guy some days. last time i got pulled over the cop wanted a demo!
  11. i left him a little something too. funny he has two mojo 4000ds since the last i knew there was not an 8000 made. yet he claims 16000 watts. I love peak wattage.
  12. exactly which is why we asked earlier if it was a z1 or a z1 a good luck.
  13. its the motherfucking deafyt. no posts needed for this guy!
  14. a gig is actually more than 1000 Mbytes (1024) but it is commonly referred to as 1000 Mbytes. Windows sees it as the real 1024 instead of 1000. for example you have a 100 Gig drive. 100 x 1000 = 100000 Megs. Windows sees it as 97.66 because it thinks a gig is 1024. (100000/1024) get it?
  15. damn saltine i was just down your way for work was at the naval reserve station off of gen degaulle. if I knew you were from there i woulda hit you up to check out some of the work.
  16. you live in one of the cheapest area. go places where money talks and you see more benzes beamers and lexus than you do hondas and watch that markup kick in. they go for around 65 here too.
  17. if its still on my laptop ill send it to you.
  18. the model that he was looking at was the Nathan K5LA
  19. When I have someone with a budget build in mind I have them get 2 12 type rs and then a brutus 1606d. last one i did like this guy was more than happy. I even think I have the box plan at home.
  20. Big P he is looking for a whole kit. I have no idea what that includes but im pretty sure its a compressor and tank and all the lines. I know he wants it loud as fuck. if you could pm a price that would kick ass.
  21. Ebay is always an option but Id rather support someone from here who is trying to put food on their table.
  22. My boss is looking for a kit for his truck. anyone deal with a company that sells them at a good price?
  23. i like to go in and check out the open box stuff to see if i can get a good deal. love when they ask if they can help me. I just tell them im beyond their abilities. my wife gets pissed lol.
  24. The only way Id do it is if I can turn around and flip those JLs quick. Like pick them up from him and turn right around to the buyer. also that hundred bucks is going to end up right back into the box for them. screws glues and wood. not to mention losing the time it takes to build a box. .and then you have to have no bump until rusty gets your stuff out to you. Yes he is fast yes he is good but that three days without beat sucks. In my opinion I would not do it.
  25. those of us who have been around the audio world for awhile know what chicken does. Don't hate. I KNOW those two will be rocking out the rock band game when its all finished too lol.
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