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Status Replies posted by BeatBox

  1. SBN was epic, got to meet Twisted, and Cableguy, and faced The Ark of The Funky Pup :D

  2. This guy just told me that he has a "Big Mac Daddy Sub"then he said its an Alpine Type R. I lol'd

  3. Got my battery.. Mcdonalds paychecks gone.. got carpet too :D

  4. Just made it to daytona. First thing i saw was that god damned cocksucker with the blue tahoe......

  5. GAH my car really needs a paint job. Oh well.. paint can wait.. I'd rather have some bass :)

  6. Enjoying a few cold beers. Fuck yes.

  7. Can someone please nominate me for system of the month i cant figure out how and im new here http://www.stevemead...6-chevy-camaro/

  8. Hate Comcast!!!!!!!

  9. Fuck bro dj pauly d is gonna be a mansion today -___-

  10. What a boring fucking day. Might have to crack the Turkey early.

  11. Swear to God if you've been lieing im done.

  12. Please do the needful.

  13. Wow its awesome outside today!

  14. Feeling like a boss with these high ratings.

  15. I feel like complete shit... F*** me

  16. has anyone heard about this kony guy? seems like noones talking about him. i figured you'd all be making a much bigger deal about it.

  17. When you don't use NAPA wire, you don't win stereo competitions. When you don't win stereo competitions, you get upset.When you get upset, your car runs like crap.When your car runs like crap, you get stranded in the middle of nowhere and kidnapped by aliens that insert probes into uncomfortable places.Don't get probed in uncomfortable places, use NAPA wire.

  18. i dont like this thing they call insurance shopping ... lol

  19. nothing like packing for florida during a snowstorm. :)Suckers.

  20. Just waking up

  21. thank spring is here lol

  22. thank spring is here lol

  23. Craziest Daytona 500 EVER.

  24. Time cannot go by fast enough I wanna get outta work and go home


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