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Everything posted by kirill007

  1. its tuned too high. and 5x6 seems quite a lot 5x5 is better. Maybe tune a few hertz lower? Do you get lots of excursion? And 3k is quite a lot.
  2. read up first before building. 2.25cubes after displacements tuned to 33hz with 50 sq inches of port. If its a btl. The title says bl. So then 2cubes and 38sq inches of port and tuned to 32hz.
  3. I would say the archos internet 101 tablet. But you have already chosen something else. i hope you like it
  4. because people have overpowered them with double RMS doesnt means you can or that they have done it succesfull..
  5. the sa wouldnt handle or would have a hard time handling that amount of power. The ssd on the other hand should be able to take it. But i dont recommend overpowering subs. You dont hear the difference between 800 or 1200 watts.
  6. no i never ground my head units. I just hook it up to the neg. wire that is in the harness. maybe one of the pins in the harness is coming loose i dont think so. because it still gets power.. the sound just cuts in and out so that would mean all my speaker wires/pins would have to be coming loose. No it doesn't. It is possible that only 1 pin comes loose.
  7. You do know that you won't hear a difference between the AQ2200 and the RF 1500bd? Because you won't hear it.
  8. stock BL maybe wont. But a fully loaded BL will. You underestimate the BL. It will take 3kw, maybe not clamped but it will take a 3kw amp.
  9. Well that is a very specific question.... EDIT: I know, blownengine.
  10. So you use a 15 and 2 10 inch subs? :s And you want SQ? I hope you can really make it blend in perfectly. Just like mrd6 said, where can you find a mid that will do that kind of big range of frequencies?
  11. it doesnt harm it. You can try it out, if you dont like it just change it back. Sometimes its benificial, sometimes not, so just test it out.
  12. Thanks to Steve himself and the mods and admins that make the site the way it is. This is a really legit forum, it has a good balance between having fun and learning a lot of things. Ive been here at almost the begining, and the site has evolved a lot (in a good way) A lot of great builds to be found here and cool guys, too bad i live in the wrong side of the world.
  13. If you need to use bassboost then you need a bigger amp. Don't stress the amp and subs just so it can be a bit louder.
  14. You do know if people drive low emissions cars that they have a lower emission so it will help. It doesn't takes years it takes 1 usage of the car to have lower emissions. I hate people who don't think about others(in this case the future people). Eco means using the bike or on foot when possible that means in a 10-15km radius and not be lazy. Do you use your bike ? Or are you lazy too? End of rant...
  15. I don't think it's funny. I normally laugh with everything, but she isn't funny to me.
  16. I don't understand why people get loud exhausts and then don't like it if they hear the exhaust. I just don't get it. I don't wanna trheadjack so i'll edit: It's kind of stupid to make it loud on the outside and keep it still on the inside. Other people have to listen to the sound of your car, and they don't like it. It's kind of a douchebag move to do...
  17. Caugh caugh, there are decks where you can limit the volume. Ask Pulse car audio, he uses a JVC and it can be limited.
  18. I'm likin the way it sounds but the lyrics don't really have content. But the beats and the way it sounds is good.
  19. Lol awesome. And 350 isn't that much it's quite low actually to repair all that.
  20. how did you set the gain? Where is bassboost set? Is loudness on on HU?
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