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Everything posted by cracker

  1. for sure and like i said its pretty much trucks country around here ha. ill hit ya up tomorrow sometime to let you know what i came up with. we have a couple around so just might find something
  2. shit man i can call our local salvage yard n see in the AM. northern MN is full of trucks lol.
  3. lol nah hes timberlin if i can remember i play but you make some funny as vids for real mang
  4. wreck lol.thats a bummer mang and didnt you just put some new lights in too? oh well though the next "beast" will come in time i bet
  5. theres one local to me for 250, not sure about shipping or anything though
  6. haha damn i though my PC froze at first lol. that shits slaappin mang ha and crazy song choice but works.
  7. poor poor lil mazda lol. those are nice for sure mang
  8. thats def unigue mang. how do they sound having that cone area and just on them stands? any chance of a vid of it playing
  9. ok i didnt know if this would be an ok place to post this but i noticed there is a "Reputation" thing on my profile followed by a rating? just wondering what its all about. was gonna ask a few days ago but got busy n sidetracked. anyways just though id ask, the new forum is nice too for sure
  10. ha i was just about to ask about the daily thing. ill stay on my journey to a 15"XL. nice ass hell hammers though for sure mang.cant wait to see what them puppies do
  11. studddddddering post whats the plan for the 8" mang, sorry if i missed it
  12. chrome handles would look sick too, pop like a mofo with that dark cherry/red paint and would flow with the rest of the chrome with out being too much
  13. down the street from me. ill get a reg pic tomorrow haha
  14. x2 anodize the whole truck blue lol. ok weird though but just the color blue that are on the spokes in the prev PS pic looks sick, blue chrome kinda look lol. dark cherry would be clean as hell for sure though
  15. ok ive been checking termpro, midwestspl,meca,etc and have yet to see any thing close to MN. if anybody hears anything about the MN area would you please PM me or bump this thread. i will continue to wait to see what the season brings, but thought id ask i lil ahead of time. thanks- DanK-
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