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Everything posted by skittlesRgood

  1. ya... thats not a good ground at all. looks like a bracket made to hold your car's jack or something.
  2. a better battery will also help keep that voltage up. a speaker's power handling will not have anything to do with the amp getting hot.
  3. you get 13.5v just because thats what your alt charges at. only way to fix that is to get a new alt or maybe have yours modified at a shop. i think you can do that. turn the bass boost all the way down and never touch it again. just do it. now read up on how to set your gains with a DMM and get it set correctly. after those steps, if you dont like how loud/quiet it is, its purely equipment. the reason your having problems is because your trying to push equipment to do what it isnt supposed to do.
  4. and if he is asking because he already has subs that he could only wire to .5 or 2ohm?
  5. without knowing what subs he is going to get you suggest upgrading power? thats stupid.
  6. this was my 1st guess too but i read the owners manual and it does say 4v pre outs. but i did see the word "maximum" in there... hmm. either way he needs to re-tune the amp.
  7. any time you get a new HU you should reset your gains. raising the sub output only increases the RCA voltage for the sub output. turning up the gain would do the same thing. so go re-tune your amp and see what happens. loudness, is supposed to boost lower frequencies at lower volumes. as you turn the volume up, the effect is supposed to fade out. so at full volume, loudness shouldnt do much at all. its not something I have tested, thats just the way they are supposed to work.
  8. it only just started to rain here in cali today. first or second storm all winter. two days ago it was perfectly clear skies and 65-70* and it was like that since november.
  9. set one amp with the DD1. then measure the AC output of that amp. next, set the second amp to that same AC output. now your gains will be matched and safe.
  10. Seems to me that the person in question had a mod 3 build in his truck. His transmission went out in said vehicle, so he drove what is basically his family car that has all types of mods to state finals and competed in the class that his car qualified in..So I certainly hope that you are not talking about my teammate. And if you are, that really makes YOU look like the person that you are demeaning in your post with such negative connatation about competition. If you are not speaking about my teammate, then I digress. However, since Ackawilly was the only 1 at finals who was previously in another class and moved to a empty higher class, I assume that you are... In the future before you arbitraily assume something about someone or their build; remember that cars break down, people get in wrecks and equipments blows. For that reason, someone may have no choice but to enter a future show in a different class. You have previously been a voice of reason for Bassick that many respect, I certainly hope that you will continue being that person. in all honesty, i ignored the name because i didnt want to know. i was told by the judges that this person checked if anyone was in said class, found out it was empty, then asked to move to that class. and when asked "why?" he just shrugged and said "just cause i want to" (or something of that nature). other people have done it with DBdrag, its not a new issue. it is an issue that makes me lose respect for the person so instead of having that awkwardness toward one person, i just remember the story and not the man in it. its easier for me to go on peacefully that way because i tend to hold a grudge and I dont like that. when i state my opinion about what I believe is wrong, im only talking about that "wrong" action. if a person falls into that category i speak against... well thats on you. i dont name names or point fingers.
  11. pussy shit! we had a guy at meca state finals who registered for a higher class that no one was in just so he could get the big trophy. that isnt winning sir, thats admitting your system sucks and you had no chance in your own class so you took the easy way out. its called a competition for a reason. if you lose, you try harder to be better, accept your position, or you go home and quit. winning in car audio only gets you respect. wining against no one, on purpose gets you disrespect. /rant
  12. plus your talking about competing in a new year from the last show correct? records dont count in the next year.
  13. my 1st guess would be the filters (caps). loss of the RCA ground would cause that too. obviously that could happen internally, not sure exactly how.
  14. thank you! lol. i was doing a face palm to every response in here.
  15. is it like a separate would stack or do you ask to have a piece cut? they are in cubbies stored vertically in the wood section. i think its in the second row back.
  16. lol well they definitely have them at home depot.
  17. if you can do it yourself, you know you can buy smaller pieces like 2'x4' of MDF. dont have to buy the full sheet.
  18. we have always been paying for the bag. the store charges you enough money to make a profit after all expenses, bags being one of them. charging you specifically for the bag it just used to discourage people from getting plastic bags and buying your own reusable one. here's a funny one. in san francisco, they outlawed free toys from mcdonalds because the toy was encouraging kids to eat crappy fast food. someone decided they didnt like this so they passed that law. so what does mcdonalds do? the extremely obvious thing, they charge $.10 for the toy and donate that money to ronald mcdonald charity. so the law accomplished absolutely nothing except increasing the cost of a happy meal by $.10
  19. sorry i didnt read through this thread so this may have been covered. it still could be the RCA. if the ground wire of the RCA broke inside the cable then it would cause the same problem. if you dont have an extra RCA cable to swap out to test this, you might have a 3.5mm to RCA cable that you can plug into and ipod, phone, or laptop. hook that up to the HU side of the existing RCAs and see if you still get noise. grounding the RCA externally should only help if there is a break in the connection in the HU. being that nothing moves inside the HU i would seriously doubt this happened. pioneer is the exception because they fuse the ground.
  20. loose rca. ive had mine pop out on a bump in the road once. did the exact same thing.
  21. This is the ultimate fight! My mom found out last year that she had breast cancer. She had a double masectimy (spelling?) and is still going through some things, but doing better. How's your mom skittles? She is doing great. the 1st time she had a reconstruction using fat and it was like an 8 hour surgery and i think a 1 week hospital recovery. the second time around she found a new procedure that only one doctor was doing in NY. it cut the surgery down to a few hours and a 1-2 night recovery in the hospital and she could walk herself out. she gave her doctor all the information on it and now its a main stream procedure. cant even imagine how many women she saved from all the extra pain and suffering. im so proud of her. my mom had a few problems afterward too. dead skin and stuff. but it just took time. im sure your mom will be good as new this year.
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