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Everything posted by z_ro

  1. lmfao bad ass.. must be badass to have your name mentioned in a few songs lol
  2. wish i could help bro... i'm planning my first real build this weekend... for two cars. Good luck though. there seems to be more bassheads up towards your area then down here on the southside lol
  3. it's homeboys own money... Why not let him ruin his own property? lol
  4. lmfao I LOL'ed and my coworkers looked at me funny lol
  5. Dude if anything, We should be apologizing to you. There is legal action that can be taken against you as owner, And you as The HEAD honcho Pulling the plug makes it EVERY bit responsible on your part. Dont apologize for something that can get YOU in trouble,that you had no part of!
  6. alot of people think my name is from him but naw different reason why i picked the name but thats besides the point... Z-Ro has held it down since the guerilla maab days. Fondren and Main and Rise off the RISE album are Htown Classics. But yall HAVE to hear all the Z-ro flows off of the Dj Screw tapes. Yall dont know raw till you hear the old Z-ro. Some guerilla Maab for yalls asses. lol RISE Fondren And Main and yall GOT to feel the way screw did Fondren and main up on this!
  7. i thought this was about coffins shaped like cars womp womp womp
  8. eeeek God i hope i never have to meet and kill this guy. lol
  9. same difference. If the head unit says MP3 compatible it SHOULD read data discs.
  10. That shit Makes me depressed. Yeah The girl is SOOOO beautiful, and this thing FUCKED her life up severely. The Higher Being plays FUCKED up games with some people.
  11. Google is your friend sir. http://www.aloesajten.com/aloe-vera-for-burns.php just about any topical cream or anything that helps with burns has some kind of Aloe Vera in it. I was a pyromaniac when i was younger. lol Even just the plant itself. Take a part of the leaf bust it open and squeeze the juice out. It helps. AND STOP TRYING TO BE COOL FFS. ANDDDDD FROM THE WEBDOC> http://www.webmd.com/pain-management/guide...caused-by-burns
  12. it had an aliens face... It not like it had dark skin, a moustache, and was holding a fucking bud light... I swear some people CANNOT take a joke. Im gonna try to go find one now just for the WOW factor lol.
  13. OH COME ON! I'm Mexican and find that shit hilarious. some people need to take the sticks out of there asses and have some fucking fun. lol
  14. OKOK he looks like you. lol But yeah that box = PURESECKS!!! NICE JOB and again GRATZ!
  15. FUCKING NICE BRO! That box looks sexy as fuck too! What it covered with? BTW completely off topic but you look nothing like i imagined lmfao You actually look like my brother in law's homeboy Andy. lol
  16. 2007 Honda civic LX Sedan. Looking to push about 1000 watts on stock ALT. Just lookin For a upgrade From stock Battery. thanks
  17. i actually just commented on the 7TH installment of these videos. :| This one PISSED me off so much lol
  18. AWWWW DUDE WTF!?!? and yeah dude the anesthesia doesn't numb you out completely just enough to help you feel a little more comfortable.
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