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Everything posted by z_ro

  1. a couple of weeks ago i had four front teeth pulled and a temporary bridge put in. i felt sick for two days after from all the blood i swallowed. I feel your pain man! At least they probably gave you some awesome pain meds.
  2. on the right side of the OP there is a box that says options. click it. go down to display modes and switch it to standard.
  3. exactly. i mean i fear for my sons safety but he has had all of his immunizations so far, i just hope its really enough
  4. apparently 13+ people have died from it around houston... but then again how many people die from the regular flu a year also?
  5. yeah i wouldn't go that far lol I think all in all the songs that he's REAL serious on are the ones that are the best. Toy soldiers which isn't really in the type of topic that these are was also a bad ass song too. The reenactment in the beginning tugs at the heart strings
  6. sir i think you quoted the Drake fall again as the first video. LMFAO EDIT: BUAHAHA you caught that quick huh? lol
  7. it looks like someone jizzed ALL over it and then kicked sand on it. I'm seriously at a loss for words here... How can ANYONE think this is an ok thing to do????
  8. i work at a law firm that specializes in lung cancer and Mesothelioma. Alot of the companies that we have lawsuits with are fiberglass companies. Heed my warning... THIS STUFF IS NO JOKE!
  9. you cant forget these lol ... THESE are bad ass too
  10. pffttt one of the best theft deterrents if you ask me. Granted you wont have the BEST signal but its not GHETTO. I had my stock radio for a couple of years but HAD to upgrade. lol
  11. SHIT i think my compass is broken. but mine does have a nice little Gangsta lean to it.
  12. DAMNIT!!! well i guess it can be locked up then :|
  13. OMFG Carl Orff's O'fortuna is SOOO epic. About 8 years ago my old breakdancing crew made a demo to this song lol. It was epic and we SUCKED lol. I can see what i can do about doing something. I dont know when... but im gonna see what i can get done.
  14. There was a dude that used to work with me at Academy(the sports store) here in Houston a few years back. One night one of the cops that worked security had overheard him saying after we had closed that he wanted to get a a couple of cases of beer but didnt have any money. She proposed Tazing him in exchange for enough cash to buy three cases. He jumped at the idea and said "it can't be that bad". 1 minute later we all lined an aisle in the store waiting for him to get the shock of his life. lol. Needless to say he plopped down to the floor and couldnt get up a for a bit. lol The entire store was laughing our asses off. lol FUCK THAT! As curious as i may be, i NEVER wanna know what those things feel like. lol
  15. i stopped paying attention to the site after a package got delivered to my house and the site showed it was still at the FEDEX facility.
  16. As usual searched and got no hits. so if it's a repost i apologize. OUCH
  17. the point is he wants g rated demos for certain age groups. Its not like he can pop in a jeezy song for a 5 yr old or his ** yr. old mother or grandmother. lol i gotta respect what ya doin there 98. my pop still makes fun of some of the songs i'll listen to. lol
  18. z_ro

    Dancin Fail

    lol yeah i saw it on entensity.net a couple of months back and i LOL'ed. the first time i saw this video i was like OMFG! lol then the keyboard cat version made my sides ache lol.
  19. BUAHAHAHA!!!! lol i had that exact same thought lol
  20. z_ro

    Dancin Fail

    look who makes a guest appearance! lol
  21. i think THIS says otherwise lol so keep your facepalm to yourself lmfao
  22. if its a repost im sorry but i did search and nothing hit.
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